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The very second you open the game just *chef's kiss* that main menu/title screen is to die for <3 Really love it!

One of the early scenes reminded me of one of my favourite Dark Brotherhood quests in Elder Scrolls Oblivion, only far funkier :D

I, uh, didn't do so well on my first go and got ending 1, haha, but I like 'bad' endings, so I thought it was pretty epic :P Got ending 2 next, which I loved even more cos I was hoping that something along those lines was gonna be an option, so I was super stoked that it was, which is pretty fitting given the ending name x3 Gonna have to try and get the 3rd ending as well when I have more time! 

From what I've seen without getting that ending, it's a lot of fun, the story is nifty, the art is awesome (the logo is so cool it's like something I would get tattooed if I were a super fan!), and I really like Mikee as an MC in general :3


Thank you! Happy you liked the endings you got, including the "worse" one! In any case, Mikee's in such a sticky situation that it would be unlikely for any of the endings to be unequivocally "good"! But Mikee's always trying her best! 

I'm sure my teammates will be very pleased with your positive feedback about the art, logo, and main menu. Again, thank you very much for checking out our project!


Oh, believe me, I love sticky situations, and the darker the endings, the better :P Not that I have a problem with sweet & happy endings cos they can give me lovely fuzzies, haha. But I just gravitate towards the darker stuff, so this was right up my alley :D 

In fact, that particular ending that I got the 2nd time around still stands as one of my favourite endings I've come across so far in what I've played from the jam <3 It's very rare I find a game that actually lets me do exactly what I would want to do if I were in the character's shoes, haha. It was such a satisfying ending, and I feel like it'll stick with me as a favourite ending for a long time! :3


The team is filled with horror fans so we do share the sentiment of enjoying deliciously dark endings to stories. <3