I didn't play the game myself, so I won't leave a rating (I have to rate UX too, but I can't).
I'll leav you some suggestions after watching the video though.
A 650mb game for the content I saw is actually pretty high, I think you should look into the files added in your build as I believe you can optimize it a lot, like reducing the amount of vertices of 3d models to make them less heavy, reduce the size of textures, reduce the size of music and sound effects (i.e. compress them as much as possible), etc...
I also saw the solutions to the various level are pretty hard to think about imo, you could still leave those levels in but I believe you should make the player start from easier levels, with easier puzzles, preferrably with less elements on the scren to interact with so that you don't have a pretty much infinite numebr of options to choose from to get to the solution. Plus the mechanics of the levels I saw seem very complex, I think you should consider introducing to those mechanics in a safer and more graspable way instead of letting the player discover those by accident before they could solve the level.
Finally, I see you rely heavily on post processing effects, they look cool obviously, but make the game lag a lot (I saw some other players pointing out lag, and its an UE5 game therefore it is already pretty laggy by default).
Game looked nice though, and I especially liked the level's concept and final cutscene, they were funny.
Good job, keep it on :D