Hai, i was very interested in the "compiles to easyflash(1mb)" format, however i seem to have some issues and before i start an archeological dig on tools and docs i might as well ask : (most tools i find come without documentation for CLI and/or have their original websites removed, vice has a cli tool but you need working .crt files for that if i dont misunderstand)
so the thing : i install the program and it boots just fine, however no wizards and it wont run vice (gtk3.6 64sc) when building (but thats not the real problem) im on USA-dos (windows) 10 64bit (obviously) for this so maybe im missing something im not a daily windows user. i know a bit of asm ( https://janesondergrond.art/dl/#c64 ) and would like to know more in order to create a game sometime between now and 2050.
The problem is here i load the easyflash template and it compiles but vice hangs on a blue screen. If i load the 64kb template and compile it, add some code to switch screencolor between banks it all works but i cant add more b/c i get too many bytes error or something - oversized )
If i copy the code from that to the easyflash file it doesnt work either, if i use the example from codebase i get the same blue screen so
(sorry for the lengthy text) is there some kind of pointer or tutorial (or full script with several banks and how to switch) i can use for 1 mb carts . Im sure i can find it and puzzle it together if i spend weeks googling but since asking is free i thought id start with that.
The format doesnt really matter as long as its .crt and 1mb which i can load into my kungfu (and should work on an easyflash hard cart i suppose) and there doesnt seem to be too much docs on it or maybe i just didnt find it
Long question for a probably short answer, nothing urgent, if you feel like it it would be awfully nice if you had a pointer or a script somewhere, thx !!