I've got a narrative game but it kind of requires lots of time to pay attention to all the details. If you're interested, you can check it out at https://pyrecraft.itch.io/mined-mind
Aw sorry to hear :(
The game is pretty cryptic to be honest.
If you did want to pick it up from before just pay attention to the cryptic_hashes at the bottom of each request you send. They will guide you in the right direction.
Thanks for the feedback though! Definitely want to update the game to make it more accessible once the jam ends.
I did make the music! (https://soundcloud.com/user-79302413/mined-mind-ost)
It would be pointless to try and explain what you're supposed to do because that's part of the "fun" of the game (figuring out what you're supposed to do next).
Yeahhh I guess this game is just not for everyone. Thanks for even giving it another go though.