Out of curiosity, there any plans in the future for this to be made for mobile?
There wasn't but I did stumble upon a way to maybe make it work last week. I am unsure if I want to go for it or not :-)
Would a web-version linked to the itch.io page be good enough? :-)
I believe so, but no rush! Just curious, thanks for getting back to me :)
Web-version is now available. Link in the download section.
The compiler that could make this an HTML that could be made a phone app no longer works unfortunately. As such I don't think I can get it done in a way that's simple enough for me to try. If I ever find a way it will be announced on the game page.
Oki dokie, no skin off my nose, just means I gotta use my crummy computer. Thanks for trying though!
Doing my best :) You can take solace in knowing the games are produced on a machine probably way worse than what you play it on :-)