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Sadly, I'm somewhat short on time at the moment, so I can't write as detailed of a comment as I would like >.< but I didn't wanna wind up saying nothing at all! 

Considering I kind of hate stat-raiser games, I absolutely found myself having fun with this :3 And trust me, that is pretty much a miracle because usually, anything involving raising just stresses me out to the point that I can't possibly enjoy it even if I'm trying to T_T

And if you're wondering why I checked it out at all when it's not really my kinda thing, it's not just cos I'm trying to play a bit of everything from the jam, it's because it looked so adorable I couldn't resist x3 It just drew me in, haha.

The whole thing is so incredibly polished it pretty much blew my mind xD Kuku is ridiculously adorable, but I also really empathise with MC, and with the customisation options, it was a pleasure to play the character! With the huge array of choices and such, it really felt like MC was a character in their own right, which is something I think has made me feel disconnected when playing other stat-raising style games in the past.

Anyways, it's extremely impressive that you guys managed to pull this off within the jam timeframe! Hope you all gave yourselves time to rest and recover after!! :3