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I guess the best i've played for this jam, spent quite some time, mastering that mechanic is really satisfying and feels super great ! Got a highscore of 485

I'm not sure what is happening but it felt like a bug, numerous times the closest enemy highlight zone was at some point the other side of the screen and suddenly i got killed by some one very close to me, yet the highlight only arrives after i'm dead which isn't really helpful then.

When i'm close to the edge i understand that some mob might have spawned on me, but it arrived as oftenly in the center.

Also those little rat-like mobs are really hard to touch, to aim them isn't very difficult but since the blade actually have to be on it, it can become quite hard when you throw the maglaive to it and you just got unlucky the blade dodged the rat.

I'll definetly play updates, and maybe you should try to see if you can make something more ssatisfying when the blade hit the wall, as it's quite hard to use since it basically stops the blade and if you were attracting it will just come straight to you, maybe some kind of grind, like the blad stick to the wall and glide along it while you're not attracting it.

And i actually noticed a bug for sure, on the left of the map it is quite easy to just no-clip through the wall, enemies do it too sometimes, especially those who run from you.