I love everything in this game! The art, the presentation, the music, so good! Especially the story. It hits closer to me than I thought it would. I understand so much why Mari is like that. When presented with a mirror, but the reflection you see is only the better version of you, you can't help to feel jealous, bitter, and miserable, even though it's just a reflection of yourself. But breaking things we always know and making unknown risk is hard, facing failure is hard ... even with many people stretch their hands and try to help, it feels like they would never know the struggle we feel .... It feels like being chained inside a box we can't escape from ... but whether we are forced to be chained inside the box or we're the one who chained ourselves inside the box, it never felt like either.
And then the struggle between keep moving forward or just give up in the endings really wrap it up beautifully, I got to play all the three endings. It's sad Mari couldn't stop being stubborn and accept the help, but I'm still satisfied it ended just like that.