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Ei Kitara

A member registered Jul 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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That's very fairytale-like, I love it! The writing made it really stood out, very poetic and beautiful, masterfully crafted! I love the music played the mystical, enchanting tone, but that made me very cautious with the faeries as they can be very dangerous and deceptive as they're very enticing. I like we can choose how we answer the Deer Queen's riddles. I choose the type first then multi choices when failed, and it's fun.

Deer Queen's first riddle:

Me: Oh, that's easy. *typed tree seed*

Multi choices: An acorn.

Me: Yes, that's what I meant ( ̄▽ ̄)"

Love the characters' sprite too, very pleasing to look at. The UI is nice too, NVL-style made this like a storybook. Although I would like an option for bigger font as I couldn't read well with smaller font, I think it's very nicely put together. Great job!

Oh, no! This makes me want to fly to Paris right away rn! Tornacense's vlog really work!

Great job at using videos and photos around Paris! I love the clarity of the UI, it's easy to read, easy to understand the clue for locked scenes, and easy to know how much choices left to explore with the battery meter. The story is super fun and I love that humask, idk it's very funny for me XD

Tornacense is really fun character, I can't wait his next place! Gonna stab the subscribe button now!

Thank you so much for playing! Yes, this game will be continued! This game is planned to have 3 chapters with two endings.

I haven't explored all of the endings, but I love it so much! The stat raiser and the hustle really suit me, a micro-manager type of gamer wwww. I love Acoite, he's fun and sassy. Theo too, but that's expected from philosophy prof. Although everything worked perfectly, I met Monster Hunter twice with the same script around near the end (is it intentional?). Good job!

Thank you so much for playing and giving such glowing review! ╰(*´︶`*)╯

Hehehe very funny and cute. I love how Cierre can be a nervous newbie or a complete mess, idk how Cierre managed to keep their work as knight www. I love the ending which we didn't manage to get the curse broken, it's very heartwarming. And the CG for the good end when the princesses danced looked really bright and sparkly, I love it. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

That was fun! I'm glad Ursa got her happy end after that very messy situation. Tiffany seemed annoying at first, but it's very clear she was just stern and genuinely cares for Ursa. It's very cute game. Good job!

OMG THE ENDING! I didn't see it coming. It's sad and very dark. I love how the story told visually. Good job!

I love this game! The mysteries really intriguing, I love how you use scattered information and tailor it to whatever the choice the player made to explain the mystery. All endings are very cohesive and make sense, I can't choose which one I like the most. I love the characters, they're cute, and the UI look nice. The music is good too, it fits the atmosphere of the game perfectly. Great job!

That was so good! I love the script is written like a play script (pun intended). I love the bad end more; it fits the tragedy. Love the characters too, bet they're going to be even better when voiced later! Good job!

That was good! It got creepier and creepier toward the end, and the questions really something www Gonna wait for more! Good job!

That was so cute~! Love the characters, and the chemistry between Annet and Gwen made me squeal like crazy. It's super cozy and very fun. Love it. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

That was so cute and bizarre! When I opened the game folder, I saw cat.exe, and I thought, "Cat????" Super pleased I got not only one, but three cute ghost cats! ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ

The story and the mini game are cute (haha missing pieces), but it felt lonely without music ....

Great job!

As an otaku, I love the anime and game reference! I recognized many from the display and the title made me giggle. Love the story and the jokes. And the characters really expressive! Love it so much!

It's very good game! This is literally something my company would do to their employee www Love the jokes! And Chel is MVP! Great job!

Thank you so much for playing! ╰(*´︶`*)╯

That was so much fun!! I love puzzle and this game really has a solid puzzle! Not too hard and just enough to keep the brain juice flowing~. I love the generate conclusion part too, that makes us get to know the characters better.

Love the arts and the animation! The glitchy part is very cool, I got spooked by Callum's glitchy sprite www The voice acting really good! I love Anon's voice. The ending movie made me "Oww ↘️ .... Aww ↗️...."

I can see there are soooo many loves poured into this game! Great job!

It was such a heartwarming short story, I love it~ (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

The characters are really relatable with their insecurities about drifting apart (it's part of adulting I guess ...) and how they solve it together is really touching. The art and the animation of the storm is reeeaaally good! And the VAs really brought both Milo and Avery to life! I chuckled at their banter and their jokes (especially with the coco-nut joke www).

Even though it doesn't have save/load system, it's very easy to finish it in one sitting. Great job!

This is a neat game! I love helping the ghosts and unravel their stories. All of the characters really unique and their VAs really did great job voicing them. I like we can roam around the mansion and the background are really pretty.

Unfortunately, I found this small error, but it can be easily ignored (or just change the "-" to "_" in the script). Anyways I love it! Great job!

I'm sorry, but an uncaught exception occurred.
While running game code:
  File "game/theonetruedeath.rpy", line 10, in script
    play music m-hope
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 123, in execute_play_music["file"]),
  File "renpy/common/000statements.rpy", line 32, in _audio_eval
    return eval(expr,
  File "game/theonetruedeath.rpy", line 10, in <module>
    play music m-hope
NameError: name 'm' is not defined

That was fun short game! I got to explore all of the ending, but damn, Leila was really toxic friend. I love the art! They're very cute despite all of the craziness Leila pulled out. And the ending cards' chibis are really nice, I enjoyed them all! Good job!

I got the good ending!

You really did a good job! Thank you for scaring me with those monsters! I hate you (in most loving way) (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡

That was fun! I love the concept of confronting your fear, although I deliberately keeping myself a gameover because I want to explore every options and then the monster spooked me, so I played like normal. Kouki is a dork, he is worth to be saved www

WHY IS THIS SO SCARY?! I thought it would be a cute neighbour-ly story with cat, a bit of occult-y things, and wholesomeness, I didn't anticipate the spookiness www. I actually stopped playing mid-game at night and resumed it when the sun was up, because I got too scared but very intrigued by the story! Good job to the monsters' artists! They're reaallly scary! (≧ ﹏ ≦)

I love the story and the music set the relaxing mood and completely caught me off guard when it changed into the sinister part. The characters really loveable, especially Vivian because I know she is a good person.

Anita: "She looks scary."

Vivian: "I have birb."

Me: "Don't worry, she is 100% trustworthy." XD

There are many things that I couldn't really catch up with (maybe it's just because English isn't my native language) but the ending gave a bit clearance as to why all of that happened, even though I still have question about the how. Still, this is very enjoyable story! I love it! Great job! (≧∇≦)ノ

Thank you so much for playing and giving such amazing review! You make me so happy!╰(*´︶`*)╯

I thought it's going to be scary, but it's actually very cute love story. Ayaka such a tsundere girl (●ˇ∀ˇ●) The arts are lovely, and the music is really nice, especially when Emily switched with Emi, it's very spooky~ Good job!

(1 edit)

THAT WAS SOOOOO MUCH FUN! Never thought this would unleash the troll inside me wwww I love the CG 12(?) basically just what I expected wwww

Love everything in this game. The art, the music, and the game concept itself. It's unique and very entertaining. Love the timed choice too! They give the urgency to the game! Good job! (♡˙︶˙♡)

OMG this game is so pretty! The arts, characters, backgrounds, cgs, especially the monsters! I'm glad I didn't play it late at night! They're so scary! Especially with the movement! (≧﹏ ≦)

The camerawork really brings everything to life and the music set the mood of every scene. Very nice. Great job!

That was so much fun! The characters surely have so much personality and their VAs really bring them to life! I love the jokes and how much Sieg got bullied wwww

It was really a good prologue for a mystery-horror/suspense! Being stalked by killer while solving the murder of your friend is really good premise! I somehow managed to get bad end (I mean, that was obvious www) but I played it again and stuck with the plushie. Luckily, I read the comment here, so I didn't think it's broken (maybe you can give a cue that "this game ends here" in game so the player know it?) Good luck with the full game! (≧∇≦)

Thank you so much for playing! Your words make me so happy~! I use this battle system for this game, so maybe you can do it too! (≧∇≦)

YES PANGOLINS NEED MORE LOVE!!! I'm happy someone found Mada endearing~ he is definitely a good boy (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

It must be hard being a victim, I was bullied too waaaay back in middle school. And yes, it's okay to find solace in imaginary world and escape from the harsh reality, as long as you find strength from it to keep moving forward with your life, it's alright. (❁´◡`❁)

I planned to put a gallery for the CGs in this demo, but I couldn't make it as I was struggling to set up the battle system www but I will put it on the full release! I'll do my best! q(≧▽≦q)

Aw that was so cute~! The camera work really enhanced the gameplay. I love the unexpected romance, it's very cute~ (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

This is sweet and cute game! I like the vampire, he is cute and suuuuper polite, I almost want to yell, "If you don't bite me now, I'll bite you first!" ヽ(≧□≦)ノ

I know it's made in RPG Maker, but for people who play VN, usually they will want to have the ability to rollback or look back at the log/history, skipping dialogue (especially if you have choices, so they can explore other choices/replay it again without reading back what they have seen), auto forward text (so we can still read the text without too much clicking while eating), and save/load access when we need to make choice or avoid bad end. It's small accessibility things, but it'll definitely make this fun game even more fun! Anyway great job! q(≧▽≦q)

Cute game! I giggled while playing it. Named my ghost Boo, but got boo-ed by Frankie :')))

I enjoyed this game so much! Love the mystery and the characters, all of them really gave strong impression. I love the action and the stress/suspicion system, it made me think before I choose what action I'll take, and I love micromanaging my character. 

I love everything in this game! The art, the presentation, the music, so good! Especially the story. It hits closer to me than I thought it would. I understand so much why Mari is like that. When presented with a mirror, but the reflection you see is only the better version of you, you can't help to feel jealous, bitter, and miserable, even though it's just a reflection of yourself. But breaking things we always know and making unknown risk is hard, facing failure is hard ... even with many people stretch their hands and try to help, it feels like they would never know the struggle we feel .... It feels like being chained inside a box we can't escape from ... but whether we are forced to be chained inside the box or we're the one who chained ourselves inside the box, it never felt like either.

And then the struggle between keep moving forward or just give up in the endings really wrap it up beautifully, I got to play all the three endings. It's sad Mari couldn't stop being stubborn and accept the help, but I'm still satisfied it ended just like that.

Thank you for playing! I'm glad you enjoy this game! Although it may takes time to complete the story, I'll do my best to finish it! Ganbarimasu!ヾ(≧▽≦*)o

What an experience! This game is very beautiful; the story, the arts, the music, all of that perfectly executed! Love it so much!

I can see the fear of forgetting and being forgotten must be unbearable, especially with our dearest one ... but still, the end is never the end :')

It was a fun mystery game! I like how we can read back the clues we gathered and think more about it before the big reveal! I actually did solve who killed the victims even before the reveal, even though I didn't know the exact who www Love the characters and their design, especially Mio's kasa-obake costume eye that moves and has its own expression, it's cute~(´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)

Although the mystery itself is good, I didn't particularly fond of the ending. It felt awkward for me, with everything happening but the bad guy still hung around, just like that? Maybe it would be better if the bad guy just escaped or vanished dramatically into the unknown, and then the helplessness the survivors felt could be explored even more.

This is fun and silly! I managed to escape the cannibal with 5 limbs intact and sacrificed 2 peoples, because why not? Love the hilarious choices appear not make sense at moment, but actually work?! WHY?! XD

And feck you too, Duck Man. You throw rock to birbs, I have no remorse sacrificing you (╬▔皿▔)╯

That was adorable. The arts are so cute. The monsters look cool too. But I hope Claire could do something about them and not dying every time :')