We made this game where the idea is that you are a jelly that has to shoot enemies with a rock-paper-scissors mechanic using colors (Blue > Red > Green > Blue). Every time you get shot, you absorb the color of the bullet and then shoot it back to try to defeat your enemies. Since we only cared when things made contact with another, we used Triggers for everything.
Anyway, at some point during development we decided it would be cool for the bullets to bounce around and to reflect them once you were hit with the color that is weak against you. But we had already used Triggers instead of Colliders!!! And time was running out!!! And we hadn't slept!!! So... we hacked collisions and bounces using recasts after each trigger 😂
It was horrible, we are not proud, it's a bit buggy, but it worked! And I honestly think our game has potential to become a real game someday. But before that day comes we'll rebuild it from the ground up using collisions for everything. Lesson learned. Here's a gif showing off our super awesome Trigger physics haha. You can play it at the link above and give us any feedback and ratings here :)