Interesting. Today's (spoilers ahead) was a number, and something I found is that, while it doesn't give "is prime" for direct prime numbers away, it does when it's more than 2 multiples away:
395 (376 + 19) gives "x+395",
414 (376 + 19*2) gives "largest divisor is 2"
433 (376 + 19*3), however, gives "433 - x is prime". As does 319 (376 - 19*3).
Tangentially, I'm pretty confident in saying that the "largest divisor" clue is the 2nd highest priority (checking any, bar the nth powers, even number today (Oct 10) gives you that clue).
Are you sure that guessing only possible answers is a good idea? I guessed (499, 253) and got the same hint, which was amusing, but also quite unhelpful. Perhaps I should've tried an even number?
My only other discovery just now is that if I am 1 away from the solution, the game breaks.
That certainly is an... interesting bug.