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I'm curious why you chose to hide everything but health at first.  Was it to stop from the screen crowding up?  Was it to try to not overwhelm the player at first and teach them that health matters the most over anything?  Idk, it just took me a little bit to actually realize that the + expanded the stats.

I like this idea though, one of my first ideas I thought for this jam was similar (you're an ice cream man but only have one ice pop per day but there are multiple kids), but I couldn't figure out how to add depth to the game, so it is cool to see how you did it here.

Yeah.. I wanted the player to focus mainly on the health and when I gererated the first "family" with all stats it was just to much information at once so I hid the stats. Also the stats are the same in the beginning of the game except the health so another reason why I hid them.