I liked the four little stories in this game. Unfortunately I couldn't finish because I encountered a few glitches. When I took the right path, I went up through the building to the roof. Then, after I spoke with my friend on the roof about the birds, they disappeared. But then if I left and came back to the roof they would be there again. I think some game flag wasn't being logged because, I got the clear text for the other three sections, but couldn't get through this section and there didn't seem to be anything else for me to interact with.
Then since my friend mentioned the birds and the sea, I went back down to the water section. However, I got stuck there because the text saying "Hey, I thought you were going to help me fish. Thyla!" would pop up whenever I tried to leave, but I had already fished so I couldn't fish again.
I was really enjoying the game though! I'm just listening to the music in the fishing section as I write this, and it's nice.