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Hi, so I modified the html file for the game a little bit to add the music from external audio files. It's not a super clean way to do this, but it works if you're just doing something small like I was. Essentially, I checked the room transitions and if the player was going into a specific room, I would change the music.
First at the bottom of the game's html file, I added this code so there's audio element with an id that I could call.

I liked the four little stories in this game. Unfortunately I couldn't finish because I encountered a few glitches. When I took the right path, I went up through the building to the roof. Then, after I spoke with my friend on the roof about the birds, they disappeared. But then if I left and came back to the roof they would be there again. I think some game flag wasn't being logged because, I got the clear text for the other three sections, but couldn't get through this section and there didn't seem to be anything else for me to interact with.
Then since my friend mentioned the birds and the sea, I went back down to the water section. However, I got stuck there because the text saying "Hey, I thought you were going to help me fish. Thyla!" would pop up whenever I tried to leave, but I had already fished so I couldn't fish again.
I was really enjoying the game though! I'm just listening to the music in the fishing section as I write this, and it's nice.
This was a really nice game. Museum websites are fun to look at for sure, and I loved how you made the virtual tour on the computer of the museums. The art for those parts was really cool, and I also liked the art of the cityscape from the window. The ending was sad, but I'm happy I played it.
The character's struggle was definitely relatable. Their indecision and difficulty leaving home reminded me of my own game that I made a few years ago that had some similar themes.
I like this quote about the Muppets. "Although a bear driving a car and a frog trying to order a drink in a bar are not ordinary sights in our world, they are in this film. None of the human beings in The Muppet Movie are ever the least bit surprised to find themselves talking to frogs and dogs and pigs and chickens." It's a nice world.
Thank you for sharing your feedback!The slower pace and emptiness was to give more space for a reflective thoughtful experience.
Fun fact about the crowd part; it was at first going to be even longer! But after hearing some feedback in my initial playtesting, I made it quite a bit shorter. I can understand that it's still too long and that the point could be made more quickly.
Anyway, thank you for playing, and I'm glad that you liked it!
Hello! It might be a bug (which I'll definitely look into either way), or you may be in the path where they actually decide to give you a key to the gate instead. Did you try leaving the room and coming back to them? Or do you remember what their last dialogue was? Sorry you were having trouble with that part!
Edit: Oh, I think I realized what happened because I just tested through all the conversation scenarios. I'll push an update to fix it so that it doesn't happen in the future. Sorry again!
Edit 2: Ok, I just updated it. The game flags weren't coded properly for that specific conversation path that you took. It should be all fixed now!