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(2 edits) (+3)

Excellent writing. Excellent story. Seriously, very well written characters. They feel well-rounded and distinct, not the cardboard cut outs with cheezy dialogue you get in so many others. There's real humor and real heart. 

Also sex. Eventually. I'm hoping they stop holding back and go all out by the end of this thing, but I do appreciate the build up. There's no animation, but I honestly feel like it would be out of place.

It's a linear VN, but even if you shy away from that, it's worth giving a try. I'm not really into VN's, but this one is spectacular. Excellent soundtrack - I greatly appreciate the devs' taste here. Excellent track selection that really captures the right mood at each moment. There are some points where it begins to feel al little repetitive, so adding a few more tracks might be a good idea, but there aren't many places where I would swap tracks.

With the excellent plot and dialogue, well-rounded and fleshed out characters,  the drama, the mystery, the slow build of sexual tension, the , and the (many forms of) humor all in one VN, this is not one to miss. Spans genres and does all of them well.  I don't know if this piece of sexy, wholesome, violent, dark, gorgeous art will ever get the recognition it deserves sadly.

Please support this dev! This is something special that needs to be finished.