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Soo.... anyone figured out what the deal with the eye is? Like when you have drain there's an incomplete square that you can put the drain on top of. When you do so the eye seems to glow but the pupil seems incomplete, i've tried to put the character on the pupil but nothing seems to happen, i feel like something should be happening

Nevermind I got it!

Hint: You have an ability as well, don't forget that.

woah, really? you’re the first one to find this! (or at least get that far)

Its a pretty good way to get the player playing for longer, trying to figure out what peer does. though the unlock seems a bit lackluster and seems worse than what you use before. Cool secret to figure out, not the best reward for said secret.

then you have more to discover :)

(1 edit)

Wait theres more???????? I thought the orb was the only thing you could get????


I just got the notification now..

Yeah, it's not the strongest and honestly, it made the game harder. I gave up after realizing it was worse than my base weapon. Maybe it's random upgrades for each run?

I wonder how big the orb gets? and how much dmg it does when it hits the boss