you are just sad, grow up and enjoy the fucking game bruv
why the fuck are u on this forum? 1 u talk like ur an American trying so hard to be a "road man" "bruv" "innit" "mate" grow the fuck up and get a higher education u bleached fucking baboon. 2 the way u talk sounds like you lack an education and or are underage probably shouldn't be on this forume. 3 this is called feedback the game wouldn't be as good as it is if feedback wasn't sent he told him the issues I be it alot of very minor issues but still issues none the less and he gave the creator his opinion on what he thinks would make the game better and should be fixed. Grow the fuck up and actually read the fucking post u burnt enchildad. Also at the beginning of the the post he said that he doesn't hate the game he actually enjoys it so your argument makes no fucking sense I hope 2 hear back from you, you Lukewarm cup of water.
Also the 4 edits on my post is me adding shit to my post and fixing my spelling errors or missing words :)