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Ah, all good, I was merely confused by the change, but I've extracted the files now and are reading through things. Mildly saddened by the loss of Unliving and Necromancy as I had made an Outcast outfit specifically designed around those two edges, though I fully understand why they were dropped, given that a 5 turn limited game would make those edges way too powerful, plus the simple chance element of the models never disappearing could be frustrating for the opponent. So long to my mechanized Lich and scrapyard zombies.

Don't worry, eventually necromancy should return as a revised edge and more coherent with the new mechanics. ^^


Fun fact, I may or may not have been feverishly working on my own version of a revised Necromancy and Unliving, and if you'd like to see them, I'd be happy to share them.

I would love to see your version. :)


Well then, here they are!

Unliving: When this model goes out of action, roll a d6. If a 1 is rolled, place a Resurrection die in place of the model with the face matching the number of wounds the model had (6 if the Model had 7 or more wounds). At the end of each turn, you may pay any amount of karma to reduce a resurrection die by the same amount. When the resurrection die reaches zero, place the model it replaced back on the field. This Model cannot have Necromancy.

Necromancy: When an allied model with Unliving goes out of action within 12" of this model, they place a resurrection die on a 2 or less. At the end of each turn, you may reduce the number on a resurrection die within 12" of this model by 1. This model cannot have Unliving.

I got inspired by the rules of the hunter edge, Smoke grenade, and how you can use dice to indicate a more persistent effect. That, plus the new way Karma works, Led me to this idea where instead of possibly giving you back a model immediately with wounds, you instead get an uninjured model, if you succeed the roll and have the karma to "pay off" the wounds. Necromancy also has more interaction with this new "resurrection" dice, now not only improving the chances of Unliving working, but also effectively giving you 1 free karma each turn, but only for ticking down a single Resurrection die.

I also included the exclusivity clause on both of them because this way, people won't feel pressured into picking both for every model in their outfit or otherwise try to loop Unliving Necromancers, instead giving them the potential to go in different directions with this synergy. Do you wanna make your boss and underboss unliving while your minions have necromancy, potentially representing an eldritch cult worshipping and bringing back truly monstrous beasts? Or do you put Necromancy onto a single model while the rest have unliving, making it more of a shambling zombie army with a lich at the helm? Given the whole "pay karma to get your models back", combined with the new 5 turn limit, perhaps the roll on Unliving's out of action success chance should change, something like 2 or less base, 3 or less with the Necromancy buff, but that would require playtesting that I definitely haven't done yet.

Very cool, GGFreak. I liked your choices. :)

I would change a few things to fit better:

Unliving: When this model is out of action, you can spend 1 Karma to place a Resurrection die where the model was. The die starts with the face equal to the model's Activation stat. Place the unliving model outside the battlefield as close to the die as possible. At the end of each turn, the Resurrection die decreases by -1 and you can spend any amount of Karma to reduce it by the same amount. When the Resurrection die reaches zero, remove it from the battlefield and place the unliving model back in its place.

Design Choices: Using the Karma cost to place the die makes this more of a player choice than an element of luck. Associated with the Activation stat means that weaker models tend to be quicker and cheaper to return to the game. Bosses and Underbosses are expensive to return before the end of the game. Positioning the model outside the battlefield but as close as possible to the die helps to differentiate if more than one unliving model uses this edge at the same time.

Necromancy: As an action, this model can choose one Resurrection die within 3" and reduce it by -1. Additionally, when a Resurrection die is placed in this model's line of sight, reduce the size of the die by - 1. This model cannot have Unliving.

Design Choices: This makes the necromancer less passive. The necromancer must be near the die and spend an action to reduce it. In some ways, this is similar to the Healer of Mages. I kept your limitation of not being unliving (it's a good idea!).

I have to test these edges, but I believe they are good additions to the Risen society I am creating. Probably Unliving would be the special edge of this society. :)


Seems like great alterations, as I was admittedly keeping very close to the original versions. Making both a more active choice on the part of the player makes great sense, and utilizing the Activation stat for timing also works great as a self-balancing mechanic.