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Bruno Prosaiko

A member registered May 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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Great stuff! Do you allow me to translate 28 Psalms into Brazilian Portuguese? I'm sure the Brazilian community would love to play this game.

I have no plans to do so right now. Maybe in the future.

That's great, Marcos! I'm glad to know! ^^

Seria bacana! Aliás, estava recomendando hoje este hack pra um grupo. ^^

Tem planos de liberar o D-Cypher com uma licença aberta para obras derivadas?

Olá. Eu fico feliz que tenha gostado do meu trabalho.

Eu suponho que todos os autores de materiais gratuitos que você disponibilizou aqui são fáceis de encontrar em redes sociais, então não entendi o motivo de não ter entrado em contato para pedir autorização antes de disponibilizar o material de outras pessoas no Itch.

Na prática, as coisas gratuitas que eu fiz podem ser compartilhadas livremente, apenas seria uma cortesia bem vinda pedir autorização antes, não apenas para mim, mas para os outros autores também. Descobri que esse material estava aqui por acaso ao entrar no grupo do Facebook.

Só estou enfatizando isso porque o Itch é uma loja, então não é a mesma coisa do que disponibilizar numa rede social ou num blog. Alguns autores podem se sentir ofendidos ao ver seu material numa loja sem o seu consentimento mesmo que seja "vendido" de graça.

Enfim, não estou aqui para criar caso com a situação ou gerar discórdia, apenas para dar um toque e recomendar que reavalie essa postura.

Bons jogos!

A subtitle sounds good to me. Changing the title a bit wouldn't be a problem either. Something like “Monolithic Age” or “Monolithic Space”, for example.

I was watching Solo Leveling and remembered this really cool game. Although the anime has a more "overpowered" vibe than the game, it has a similar context about portals to dungeons appearing in the modern world and professional adventurers exploring them.

Good to know. Thanks!

I don't remember this happening in skirmish games, but I've had something similar happen in some board games. It's pretty unpleasant.

I'm always concerned that the losing side still has a chance to fight until the end of the game. It's one of the reasons behind some of the Karma mechanics.

I'm making notes for the new version of the game. Among them, I think about making Karma more useful for the player depending on the number of their models out of play. It still needs to be tested, but I hope it helps with the balance.

I feel like there's a fine line between giving the losing player a chance to continue and "punishing" the winning player. It seems quite easy to get the dose wrong.

I came late to the soulslike world and was amazed by the games created in this jam. Any chance of having another edition to motivate me to do something too? ^^

Achei muito maneiro! Gostei bastante do material.

Quanto a erro de digitação, o único que lembro de ter visto foi na página 27 da versão em português: "Mountado".

Sobre as regras, pessoalmente, eu separaria Corpo em Força (englobando Constituição) e Destreza. Um só atributo para representar os três clássicos de D&D soa muito minimalista pro meu gosto, mas entendo a escolha.

Gostei muito da abordagem para as classes e os diversos procedimentos. Adorei o sistema de magia (meu favorito atualmente).

Considerando a influência de DCC, acho que o sistema de Cicatrizes poderia ser melhor aproveitado. É uma crítica minha aos hacks de ItO em geral. Acho um desperdício só ativar essa tabela bacanuda quando se atinge exatamente zero PV. Em um hack pessoal que estou escrevendo com inspiração em Warhammer Fantasy, estou trabalhando a ideia de tabelas de críticos que são roladas em qualquer ferimento crítico dos Odd-likes. Assim, qualquer dano que ultrapasse o PV e passe para Força/Corpo, é rolado na tabela de cicatrizes. Acho que isso funciona bem para emular a vibe das tabelas de críticos do DCC também. Recomendo trabalhar com essa ideia, nem que seja como regra opcional.

Enfim, curti muito seu jogo e espero testá-lo um dia. Já recomendei pra muita gente!

Espero que eventualmente saia também uma tradução do livreto do mestre. ^^

Thank you, Thais! I'm glad to know. ^^

About your question, sorry, I didn't understand. Can you explain it better?

Very cool hack! At first glance, it seems to emulate the genre very well in a really simple way. Well done. ^^

I saw that you mentioned Shadowrun among your inspirations. Any suggestions on how to approach the fantasy elements of the Sixth World with your hack? Any Cairn-derived material that you think particularly resonates with the fantasy of Shadowrun?

I see. I'll consider what I can do.

Is it strictly necessary to keep all submissions to A5 size? I imagine the intention is to compile the submissions after the jam into a unified file. It's just not a very interesting format for certain types of comics.

Wonderful work!

(2 edits)

Hit Dice & Death

This is probably a silly question, but I missed it while reading. Are the hit dice added together before being compared to the wounds or is only the highest die considered, like in buffs/breaks?

Does Bastards have an open license? I couldn't find any information about it.

Well, there's plenty of room for that on the side edge, tech66. Feel free to add the attribute.

Great idea to use Mörktober to create a 7:7 collection. I thought the same, but you were faster! ^^

Very interesting, Randalzy. I had never paid attention to quickstarts, I had no idea they used d6 dice pools. Thanks for the tip!

Bom saber. Obrigado, Hebi!

Thanks for your support, Bearbottle!

I loved Stajet! It's really cool. I'm thinking about hacking the game. Any suggestions on how to distribute the points in the stats to create new units (besides comparing them to the existing ones)?

Armata Blestemata community · Created a new topic Feedback

Achei muito maneiro o jogo! Gostei da forma como você misturou as referências mecânicas em algo novo. Fiquei muito feliz de ver meu próprio jogo referenciado. :)

Let's see. The Hellbender paradigm says:

"Even the devil can be tamed if you know his weaknesses".

This paradigm indicates that the magician is someone who deals with secrets and manipulates weaknesses. Maybe in a John Constantine kind of vibe. This can be interpreted in several ways, for example:

  • Performing a ritual to discover an enemy's weakness, such as a fear or a desire.
  • Manifesting someone's fear, after discovering it.
  • Concentrating for a moment to discover the weak point of a structure, such as a wall, where even a punch could knock it down.
  • If you know someone's weakness, you can give them an order that they cannot refuse.
  • Forcing someone you have done a favor to do something for you in return.
  • Perhaps summoning lesser demons to perform small services, as long as you compensate them adequately.
  • Forcing someone to assume their true form if you know their true name.

And so on. The idea is to extrapolate the interpretations of the paradigm to create evocative effects.

Sorry for the huge delay in responding. I don't have any references for spells yet. Since this is a game heavily inspired by Mage: The Ascension, you can take inspiration from the type of magic that is done there, just simplifying all the systems involved.

Basically, the character can do anything that their Paradigm (belief) allows. This is quite open, I know. In fact, characters can try very powerful effects, but doing so openly can accumulate Paradox and draw unwanted attention.

In the end, it is up to the players to decide how epic or subtle the game will be, and the GM is encouraged to respond accordingly.

Great, Ufnal! I usually resolve these elements only narratively, but I'd love to see your approach. ^^

Oddly enough, I haven't had a chance to play yet. I intended to translate the cards into Portuguese and redesign them using my template before printing them, but I got distracted by other projects. Shame.

Very cool! I see you based it on the layout I designed. I like the customization.

I really enjoyed this game. I found the setting to be highly evocative; the text and illustrations made my mind wander and left me eager to try it out.

I loved the magic traditions, though I was a bit frustrated to see that most spells are focused on causing or healing damage. I felt the effects could be more creative.

I appreciated that the brief bestiary has its own flavor and doesn’t just adapt traditional creatures to the setting.

The system seemed quite interesting, although, just by reading, I have trouble imagining how material from other OSR/NSR games might be adapted to this one. It's something I need to experience in practice to fully assess.

Overall, very well done! Shadows of a Dying Sun is a very intriguing game, both in terms of setting and mechanics.

Is there any plan for a license for third-party creations?

Thanks for the clarification, Novecento.

About the jam, it would be a great motivation to produce something for Striga. ^^

I read it and thought it was really cool. I really liked the context of the game; simple, brief and evocative. The art is also quite evocative. I felt like playing it. ^^

When I first read it, I think I identified two errors in the text:

  • On page 8, it says to buy additional equipment with 20 Coins. On the next page, it says that the characters start with 3d10 Coins. I imagine the first one is correct because it also appears in the additional equipment section (page 11).
  • Raised Skeleton (page 40) has the peculiarity of the Striga's legs.

Regarding the mechanics, I was unsure whether the armor values aren't too high to the point of slowing down the game, especially for the bosses, but I suppose the damage explosion and the damage advantage rules can balance this out. I need to test it out to evaluate it in practice.

I especially liked that the game has an open license. I hope to do something for Striga in the near future. ^^

Well done. You made a really cool game!

I loved the game, although I have some doubts about how it works that I will probably only be able to resolve after playing it.

From what I understand, there is a possibility that a mek can explode without having done anything just by rolling a 6 on the OVERHEAT TABLE after the end of the round. Is that right? If so, it sounds pretty chaotic. XD

Would you allow me to translate the game's text into Portuguese? That way, my fellow Brazilians who don't understand English can enjoy it with me.

Great game. I'm waiting for the next updates and I'm looking forward to playing it.

I loved it! Great idea.

É bem de boa. Se você quiser algo como o Cairn, é só colocar em Creative Commons (CC-BY, por exemplo). Ou pode ir pra algo mais específico, como o Mörk Borg ou Troika faz. :)

Tô lendo e achando bem maneiro. Só não vi se tem uma licença bacanuda pra produzir material derivado, como Cairn e outros tem.

Cool game! Can you provide a version with single pages? It's easier to print the zine. ^^

Massa! Agora vou até imprimir pra jogar. ^^

The link to the podcast appears to be down. Is there any other address where we can hear this?