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Bruno Prosaiko

A member registered May 11, 2019 · View creator page →

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É bem de boa. Se você quiser algo como o Cairn, é só colocar em Creative Commons (CC-BY, por exemplo). Ou pode ir pra algo mais específico, como o Mörk Borg ou Troika faz. :)

Tô lendo e achando bem maneiro. Só não vi se tem uma licença bacanuda pra produzir material derivado, como Cairn e outros tem.

Cool game! Can you provide a version with single pages? It's easier to print the zine. ^^

Massa! Agora vou até imprimir pra jogar. ^^

The link to the podcast appears to be down. Is there any other address where we can hear this?

Hey! I'm so glad you played and enjoyed it!

Paradox is cumulative. The character is not required to rest to reduce it, it is just something that can be done. Each backlash and each entire day without performing magic recovers 1 point towards the Paradox threshold. If you want to take a risk, the character can have several consecutive backlashes before deciding to take a day off to recover.

Any magic that a sleeping observer would not notice or view as a mundane event is coincidental. Magical perceptions are good examples of coincidental magic.

If the character talks to inconspicuous spirits, a sleeper might only see it as a lunatic talking to himself. However, if the character causes a spirit to act physically, such as commanding a wind spirit to lift him or a storm spirit to suddenly change the weather, then we could consider it vulgar magic even if the spirit itself is not seen.

It is worth remembering that several "coincidences" happening successively in a short period of time begin to seem too unlikely. Ultimately, the GM is the arbiter over each event.

Thanks for the question and good gaming to you!

I'm glad you liked it. Thanks for letting me know. I'll try to fix it in the not too distant future.

Fair. Balancing with Mörk Borg's Omens is a simpler way than introducing a classication sub-mechanic.

For Omens it gets a little complicated because there is no cost. Maybe rank them in stars or something and limit the total amount of summed levels of Omen that a deck can contain in its construction?

(5 edits)

Perhaps a combination of the "strength" of the ability in the game and its frequency/activation:

  • Little effect on the game = 5s
  • Considerable effect on the game = 10s
  • Dramatically affects the game = 15s
    • Rarely useful (as in crits) = +0s
    • Eventually useful (with 12+ on 1d20) = +5s
    • Power (card destroyed if failed) = +0s
    • Often useful (such as always active or passive) = +10s

So a considerable but rarely useful effect would cost 10s.

The keywords would probably also be worth some variable cost.

What do you think?

(1 edit)

Very cool and useful! Any advice on how abilities and powers might affect the cost?

Something loose like:

  • Ability with simple/common effect = +5s or +10s
  • Ability with significant/uncommon effect = +15s or +20s
  • Ability with very significant/rare effect = +25 or +30
(1 edit)

Topic reserved for answering questions.

To ask questions specifically about the rules of the 7:7 game, I recommend doing so on Duncan Hall's (author) page.

Thank you to everyone who downloaded and shared the template! I leave this space reserved for any comments on this.

To comment specifically on the rules of the 7:7 game, I recommend doing so on Duncan Hall's (author) page.

What was added or changed in the revised version?

Nice. I sent you a message on Instagram. :)

Thanks. I'm glad you liked it. ^^

I thought about using this layout when translating the game into Portuguese. What do you think? Could you send me the illustrations separate from the original card design?

(1 edit)

Thanks for the answers, Duncan.

In fact, I'm working on a template for editing cards. I took the liberty of doing a redesign to make life easier for distracted players like me. ^^

Here's a preview of the redesign. The illustrations are by Simon Bisley who I used for composition purposes only. What do you think?

Another question: Is there any difference between discarding cards from the hand and discarding from the table regarding the activation of effects with the keyword "Flee"? In other words, if I discard a card with this keyword from my hand, does the effect activate?

Question: Can Equipment Cards be used by Scum or only by the player himself?

If Scums can use Equipment cards, are these destroyed if the equipped Scum dies?

Logically, I suppose Scums can use equipment, but since it doesn't say anything about it in the rules, I thought I'd ask.

Hi. Can I translate the rules and cards into Brazilian Portuguese?

Very cool, Alex! Can you tell me where I can find information about the locations on the map that are not in the Mörk Borg basics?

Hi Thais. I'm glad you liked it. :)

The type of account I have with Paypal usually causes this type of problem, so I already refund repeated payments to avoid problems.

Send me an email about this and I'll try to resolve it, ok?


I'm flattered, but I think this is a bit beyond my current capabilities. However, I would be very happy to illustrate the book cover. :)

Excellent! I was thinking precisely about Mausritter. It will certainly be a cool game. ^^

Very cool! Does this game also have an open license to create derivative works?

Just by reading it, it seems to me to emulate the proposed genre very well. Congrats.

Thanks so much for the game report, IGKU! I will seriously consider your suggestions, but I do not guarantee that I will implement them. These changes would affect many rules of the game so I can't take them lightly, but nothing is written in stone. ^^

What happens depends on the specific edge. Let's take Trickster as an example:

Trickster: When an enemy model spends Karma to re-roll within 3", this model can spend 1 Karma to steal initiative after its activation. This model must be able to act in order to use this ability.

In the case of this edge, the trigger is "When an enemy model spends Karma to re-roll within 3" ". The activation is "this model can spend 1 Karma" and the effect is "to steal initiative after its activation". So, if there was a trigger and the player activated it, after the enemy activates, this model can be activated (its owner can make an Activation roll to try to activate it). The requirement is "This model must be able to act in order to use this ability", that is, if the model has already been activated or is inactive for other reasons, it cannot activate this edge.

Basically, when you steal initiative, you interrupt your opponent's sequence of activations. Each edge indicates when this can be done and, if a model is identified as a catalyst for that edge, it is it that must be activated if it is capable of being activated.

Is it clearer now?

Well observed, GGFreak.

As you mentioned, these different expressions mean the same thing: the player rolls additional dice in search of successes. Standardizing this text is a really good suggestion and I will do this in future updates.

Each die rolled in an attack can generate a hit and each hit is defended separately. This is explained in the section about Defense rolls:

Defense Roll: For each hit suffered, the enemy makes a Defense roll (1d6). Each success absorbs 1 hit, each failure causes 1 wound token.

Jadasc, this is associated with the Activation session:

"The player continues to activate models as long as they have successes on the Activation rolls and have models available. Thus, it is possible to activate all your models in sequence if you get at least 1 success with each."

The function of initiative stealing edges is to interrupt the opponent's sequence of activations.

Thank you for the question. I will try to explain this better in future updates.

Jadasc, I replaced it with ".ZIP" files. Thanks for letting me know.

Very cool, GGFreak. I liked your choices. :)

I would change a few things to fit better:

Unliving: When this model is out of action, you can spend 1 Karma to place a Resurrection die where the model was. The die starts with the face equal to the model's Activation stat. Place the unliving model outside the battlefield as close to the die as possible. At the end of each turn, the Resurrection die decreases by -1 and you can spend any amount of Karma to reduce it by the same amount. When the Resurrection die reaches zero, remove it from the battlefield and place the unliving model back in its place.

Design Choices: Using the Karma cost to place the die makes this more of a player choice than an element of luck. Associated with the Activation stat means that weaker models tend to be quicker and cheaper to return to the game. Bosses and Underbosses are expensive to return before the end of the game. Positioning the model outside the battlefield but as close as possible to the die helps to differentiate if more than one unliving model uses this edge at the same time.

Necromancy: As an action, this model can choose one Resurrection die within 3" and reduce it by -1. Additionally, when a Resurrection die is placed in this model's line of sight, reduce the size of the die by - 1. This model cannot have Unliving.

Design Choices: This makes the necromancer less passive. The necromancer must be near the die and spend an action to reduce it. In some ways, this is similar to the Healer of Mages. I kept your limitation of not being unliving (it's a good idea!).

I have to test these edges, but I believe they are good additions to the Risen society I am creating. Probably Unliving would be the special edge of this society. :)

I would love to see your version. :)

Don't worry, eventually necromancy should return as a revised edge and more coherent with the new mechanics. ^^

GGFreak, are you unable to extract the files?

I decided to update with the files compressed due to their quantity. I believe this is simpler than having a huge list of files to download.

Version 0.2 Updates

  • Several rules were better explained.
  • The objective of the game and the ending has become more defined: the player who accumulates the most victory points after 5 turns wins.
  • Karma stops being a stat and becomes a meta-economy of the game, allowing greater flexibility in strategies.
  • The game now has a pre-defined number of turns (5 turns).
  • Initiative is now rolled every turn and the last player receives 1 Karma.
  • The term Unruly was replaced with Hesitant to better fit the theme.
  • A new Drain Node action has been added that is related to the basic objective of the game.
  • There is no longer a movement penalty for climbing (after all, we are dealing with supernatural beings in this game).
  • When creating a faction, there is now an incentive for the player to develop their personal lore.
  • In the basic stat lines, F2 was added for Bosses and Underbosses, and F1 for Minions.
  • Activation now costs 3 points on the upgrade table.
  • Defense now costs 3 and is capped at 4 points.
  • Most edges have been rewritten and there are no repetitions of edges between occult societies.
  • Each society gets 1 edge of its own to steal initiative.
  • Each society gets 2 edges to generate Karma.
  • Edges that were equivalent to stat points have been changed.
  • A small section on creating new societies has been added.

Well noted! I'll take that into account. I sincerely thank you for your observations.

Good question. I'll make this clearer in the rules. This is the revised version:

Consecutive Shots: Each shot after the first suffers a cumulative +1 penalty to the Fire roll (+1 for the second, +2 for the third, and so on).

Cold-Blooded: This model does not suffer penalties for consecutive shots.

True. It was something we observed in the playtest and should change in the update that I will release soon.

Thanks for the feedback, GGFreak. You raised very relevant questions. I'm working on an update and should release it soon. I hope it answers several of these questions.