Heheh. Well thank you very much, both for reading and for taking the time to respond. I certainly respect the fact that Season May is a very personal project for you, and I appreciate the fact that you're ok with me writing my own fanfic stuff, even if it's strictly non-canon to the universe. (No worries about Seth's lewd comments, btw. I literally invited it. And considering I'm in my 30s I'd say I'm an appropriate age. :P)
I wish I could take full credit for the art of Saboteur, but it's actually something I commissioned another artist to draw for me (as I couldn't draw my way out of a paper bag lmao). Still I'm glad you liked him and how I fit him into the Kalight universe. He's just one of MANY OCs I've created over the years and each of them get a little piece of me.
In his own canon Saboteur is actually the manifestation of a spirit that guards a little forested grove and protects it from those who would seek to harm nature. I'm working on writing a short novella about him, though admittedly I haven't been in a state where I've been able to work on it as much as I'd like.
His canon iteration is actually a lot braver and more capable than his Kalight version, but I thought due to the overall theme of the VN it would be fitting to insert a little more of my own life story into it as well. Namely the depression and anxiety, as well as the frustration at the current state of society and the people currently in power. (I'll shut up about that though lest I get too political)
In any case thank you so much for taking the respond to me and also listening to me gush over my own OCs. I will def be following Season May to the end and will also be recommending it to my friends!