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Hey, I know the original guy deserved it and all, but if you had been thinking logically at this point you would've seen that the most recent account spoke with much better diction than Josh ever could. The mature thing was to not engage in the first place, but if you're going to, please ignore the other people who don't like your argumentative strategies. Accusing them of being alts when they're clearly not just makes you look childish.

(1 edit)

Idk, the guy already made many accounts with the same pattern of not having any previous activity, that seems very SUS to me.

At this point I already counted 5 alt accounts, and Josh always change the way he writes so, you get me.

And well, be on my shoes and try to ignore a guy that insults your friends, it's not fair, but then again, that's my way of doing things and it's different from how you do it.

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so your spreading false information? reported. plus there was never 5 alts plus guess what not everyone who is on the world except you is an alt of josh. 

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and it's funny how y'all are spreading false information about him and whenever someone puts a good argument y'all say it's an alt or some crap basically complimenting him.