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Really nicely presented fighting game. There might be some issues with input registry (punches and kicks would sometimes not happen despite using keys). Absolutley nails the 90's arcade fighter style. Great Job

Thanks so much for playing! 

That’s strange, we’ve not had anyone have any input issues as of yet. There is a feature whereby if you run out of stamina, you’re locked out of blocking and/or punching. Could it have been that?

Admittedly, we rushed that in pretty late - so it’s very poorly documented in game :(


Ahh, perhaps it was that then. Maybe the solution is to clarify that when out of stamina you are locked out of certain actions. Thanks for clarifying. All the same the stamina does help make the game more unique and make the player have to think more about their actions, so despite it being added late in development, I think it's a good addition.