Game nº1: IGKU vs OneInThree (on v0.2)
The After-All Gang (TAAG)
The Agency (TAgen)
How it started (TAAG started at the bottom, TAgen at the top):
How it ended:
Summary of the fight
The TAAG started the starting turns getting nodes, then the TAgen placed the Crossbow model on top of the top cabin so the TAAG retreated from the central node. The TAAG started moving to the left house to get highground while the TAgen took over the central node. After very bad to-hit rolls from both sides, the TAAG surrendered on the last turn cos the TAgen activated some units and had more victory points (so it was imposible to get more VC than them, and also imposible to kill all the units cos it was the last turn).
- Activation being luck based is unpredictable and confusing (you have to count Leader, Wounds, Nodes…).
- Defense rolls should be replaced with a penalty on enemy to-hit rolls to simplify it.
- Consider changing the die roll a “roll over” instead of a “roll under” as it’s better for board games (this is not a TTRPG).
- Increase LOVE (Level Of Violence) so that it’s more action based.
- Make characters die at a certain level of wounds or smth.