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I like the Katamari Damacy vibes! Took me far too long to realize the ship grows bigger haha. Visuals and story-telling are on point! Good humor and cohesive style. My biggest gripe is not being able to skip the intro every time you restart the game. But I had fun and live streamed it if you want to see my reaction. Nice submission! 

(2 edits) (+1)

Katamari Damacy was one of our main inspirations for the game! I'm glad it reminds you of it :)

We'll work on skipping the cutscene. There's a post on the game's page written by the programmer about a bug that prevented us from implementing the intro skip properly. 

I'll go watch your stream right now! Thank you so much for your positive review!

Edit: I already watched it! Tysm again for trying it out. I'm sad you didn't reach the city level, you definitely would have loved it. (We even have a flying cow around the city!) You can absorb basically everything you see on screen so try to absorb everything you see, if you ever play again! :D