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A member registered Oct 16, 2023 · View creator page →

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I guess it's because "Play in browser" games don't need any kind of downloads, and since people may be a little bit lazy they probably prefer that kind of games over the ones that you need to properly download and un-zip. I'm kinda at fault too,  since I played most of the browser versions of the games that have a high number of ratings. But they really suffer with quality loss- the games are really butchered and feel like a watered-down version of the full game (like the last wizard tower), when in reality they are really good games.

So yeah, it probably has something to do with being able to play them in browser. Doesn't make them any less better, tho! ComaX is a banger.

Felicidades por el primer puesto de la jam!! 🎉💙

The game even has logo splasharts at the beginning, it looks really professional! And the music reminds me a lot of Metroid's OST, one of my childhood (and still is) favourites. I think your game is the first one I've seen with an actual options menu! 

The tutorial is really good! And online highscores?! Mechanic-wise, your game is really complete! I couldn't play for long since I had to finish some stuff, but overall your game feels really polished. 

What I missed is a pause button! I had to stop playing but there weren't any so, I just crashed myself against a planet (that was really fun ngl). 

Maybe it needed a little bit more of variety since the game felt a bit repetitive after a while. Like being able to improve your ship's cargo or recollecting speed, but those are just pet peeves of mine. I understand that'd have been too much for a jam. The gathering resources and travelling from planet to planet reminded me of Spore's space stage. Fantastic work, good job to all the team!

I'm glad you did! :)

Thank you! As a part of the art team, that makes me really happy read it! It was totally worth the effort. We had planned a couple more levels (around 3 if I recall) but time got on our back and decided to cut them out of the jam version... but once we come back  to the project to finish it as a full thing, we'll definitely be including them on the final game.

The controls are a little bit hard to use whenever I try to aim at the enemy while moving. The graphics and music are on point, tho! I really liked it.

I feel the gameplay is a little bit unbalanced at the beginning, since there's not much you can do besides run and attack while you can, and since the rituals take so much time they kill me almost instantly. But there's a lot of potential! With a little bit of polishing, the game would definitely be even better than what it already is. The audio and the graphics are really well done. Good job!

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As a pikmin fan, I really enjoyed it! Tho I wish Aliexpress Olimar moved a little bit faster. The camera felt wonky too, but nothing too bad. The bulborbs are always really unfair even in this game, they ate almost all my pikmins XD

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Thank you! I'm really glad people like the artstyle, we worked really hard to make it look the best as we could! I've never played Tasty Planet, but I'm happy to read it reminds you of one of your favourite childhood games. Thanks for the review, again! :D

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Katamari Damacy was one of our main inspirations for the game! I'm glad it reminds you of it :)

We'll work on skipping the cutscene. There's a post on the game's page written by the programmer about a bug that prevented us from implementing the intro skip properly. 

I'll go watch your stream right now! Thank you so much for your positive review!

Edit: I already watched it! Tysm again for trying it out. I'm sad you didn't reach the city level, you definitely would have loved it. (We even have a flying cow around the city!) You can absorb basically everything you see on screen so try to absorb everything you see, if you ever play again! :D

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I've always tried to avoid games like Bejeweled, but this one is a really good and solid entry! It took me a while to grasp how the game worked (maybe it's just me being bad at maths), but is really fun. It's really addicting to see a lot of numbers go down to zero! I bet this game would be a hit on mobiles. Graphic-wise is very basic, but I'd love to see a full, polished version of the interfaces. You did an amazing job!!

Edit: I finally managed to get all 8 gems! I love the game

Hey! Thank you so much for the kind words 💙 The main mission on the farm level is absorbing the barn! It even triggers a text the other objects don't have, and once you absorb it you can level up your ship and go to the next level. The cow is on the level too, the name of the mission is "moove out of the way!" (Bad pun with moo)

You are gonna have a blast there! I'm glad you didn't encounter any bug. Thanks again for your review!

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Thank you so much! Gahh I'm so sorry that happened to you! There was even a The Office reference somewhere in the final cutscene T-T

I'll let the programmer know ASAP! Thank you so much for trying the game out.

Edit: Turns out the hotfix messed up some stuff! We'll try to revert those changes back. Tysm for your patience and your feedback! 

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The concept is cool, but there's little to no explanation on how controls work other than the project page itself (I had to pause the game to take a look at it). And even then, the attacks didn't work because there weren't any enemies in range T-T With how the game is done, it's more like a clicker than anything else.

The life bar increases and decreases whenever you walk and not with the monster's attacks, and I don't know how but I got teleported right below the giant kraken after a while XD

It's sad that it doesn't work properly but, with some polishing I'm sure you'll be able to! I look forward to it.

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The clicker concept is really cool! But the screen size was really small T--T

I don't associate viruses to wizard potions, but the designs for each potion look pretty good. Maybe polishing everything a little bit more could have benefited the game! Good job, nonetheless.

The UI is sometimes bigger or smaller than my screen(keeps changing between screens) and I couldn't click some buttons but, no big deal. The game looks cool!

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I loved the visuals a lot, I think it's one of your strong points. Reminds me a little bit of Patapon! Sound wise is really good, and the theme interpretation is really good. I love the abilities of your allies (and stomping the poor triangle guy to death). I don't usually like metroidvanias a lot but, this one definitely got my attention! I'd love to play it as a full game.

Was that the falling pipe meme I heard when falling at the beginning of the game? XD

I really liked the start of the game! Though I suck with the ship controls, I felt they were a bit janky at time. I thought the part where the big ship destroys you was a game over screen because of my terrible pirate ship driving skills XD it was really cool to see everyone rebuilding the ship! 

I hope you polish this thing more, it already looks great and I'd love to see it with the full illustrations and everything you didn't have time for. I'd definitely play it!

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It's really addicting, I love this types of games! I don't know if there's more spaceship models apart from the small and big ones (maybe I got killed way too early to see other stuff XD) but I wish there were more, I loved destroying them all. Great job with the game!

I really like the concept and the cute cat sprites! but the world is a little bit devoid of life, I wish there was more variety for the level because the game is pretty good mechanic-wise. There's a part where there's a passage with spikes that got almost of my cats killed because I kept on hitting the ceiling, and weirdly enough it killed me despite not hitting any spikes...! Maybe there's some collision stuff going on there.

The music is a bop! Great job with the game :)

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The games run very choppy on my browser! At least the first minute after clicking the start, the rest is smooth sailing (except for the ships I destroyed). I really like the concept and the mechanics! Tho I wish we could have seen the tower explode or something like that once you lose all your health, haha.

When you pause the game on browser there's a GAME PAUSED sign that is misplaced and is cut in half due to being in the lower half of the screen! It doesn't ruin the playing experience but it's maybe something you'd want to take a look at.

Overall great job! <3

Heya! It's true, I had a blast with quite a lot of the games of this jam. I really recommend you "The Bigger They Are"! It's my favourite of them all

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Ojo pues no tenía ni idea! Pues si, me habéis engañado vilmente con la traducción al inglés. GOTY absoluto XD

I'm glad you could play it! We'll work on polishing the game in future updates. Tysm!

I finally reached the point where I almost had a plushie, but was told to go touch grass. 

Where's my plushie :(

As someone who loved Say No! More, I had an absolute blast playing this game. It's so silly and well done, I'd buy it as an indie and try to 100% all dialogues. La traducción en español se agradece! Hay un montón de bromas muy bien encajadas!

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Hey there! Thank you so much for wanting to try our game. We are aware there's a problem with Godot's VideoStreamPlayer that causes random crashes when switching scenes, and that may be the source of the problem. 

Try clicking start a few times, and if it doesn't do the trick, redownloading the game should fix it.

It's an engine bug that sadly, is yet to be fixed (https://github.com/godotengine/godot/issues/78788); in the meantime we can do nothing but try a workaround and wait.

We hope you can play the game soon! :) When testing the final game, none of the people who played had this issue, but we'll look into it regardless.

Heya! I'm glad you like it, thanks for playing! If you can, please send us the crash report so we can look into it! It should be located in %appdata%/AlienExpress/log. Thanks again :)

It's a really fun little game, it's really addicting to get tons of mini soldiers lol

I kinda miss some more stuff happenning when killing the final enemy, like a win screen or something of that style. Aside from that, I love it! I'd love to see a full game like this.

I love the puzzle concept! And the boxes are so cute, too