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(1 edit)


You maybe able to, but officially, we are not supporting joiiplay at the moment. Not that we are advising against it- it's just our Android Build is being tested on the Maldives emulator and we can only provide any technical support on that, in case you run into issues while playing the game. Any issues faced on joiiplay, will regretfully, be beyond our aid.

For more information, please refer to our article here:


Thanks for the reply

If I encountered any problem on joiplay I'll switch to Maldives

(2 edits)

You are welcome! Please remember, the build on Itch is made ONLY FOR Windows. If you try and run Itch's VoidBound build on an emulator(Joiiplay or Maldives), you might run into unwanted issues. 

Instead, we recommend playing the game's official build for android which has a lot of the game features fixed and adjusted for the mobile platform. To find the build and the proper installation instructions, please join us on our Discord and pick the Android Access role. That way you can also get access to the latest community test feedback and track Issue Logs.


 Cursed-Atelier Team