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I know this game is from a bit ago but maybe a little faq to clarify stuff? I would like that very much.

Since explosions aren't rooms you can't build special buildings instead of doing them, right?

When an explosion crosses out a building icon, you skip it during the building phase when spending dice to build rooms, right? For example, if Fire was crossed out and the last room you built was Light and you spent a 2, you would go to Water instead of Air.

Each room is composed of multiple segments but the observatory counts rooms and not segments, right?

Distorter allows you to Reroll one die of any type, including the market?


Hey, thanks for playing!

Really I need to do a definitive edition with a longer, dedicated rules doc.

Your assumptions here are correct except the second. Explosions destroy a room from the Building Plan, not type of room.

That makes sense. The observatory counts the stairwell as a room, then? Feels like the observatory is where the major points could be.

Also, when the rules say "connected" it means directly adjacent I'm assuming? So, you could build an earth room then an air room then another earth room since the two earth rooms won't be touching?

I would love to see a definitive edition. It's a great game! Thank you for your time!


That is correct, yes.

I did actually release a revised version under the ButtonShy label available on PNPArcade. It doesn't have the expanded rules though.