I used a couple of time the neat mechanic of the Chamber. the chamber is actually 3 tile tall, and if you pass stuff trough the tiles above and below the side entrace, they will actually align in the chamber. it work also in diagonal so yeah- for those who still play this, here my most compact design so far, along with some explainations!
(it make Ultimium btw.)
Edit: Oh you can see on the bottom left chamber, an electron getting aligned like what i said earlier!
i didnt noticed until i checked the pics. this technique also helps not have weird bumps in your loop
PS. you see the brakes beside the Electron spawners, theyre just my switch off, i move the spawner on them when i needed to work on a section
It won't be the last one. Next would probably be a system that is the most hexagonal possible. BOX was originally susposed to be only loops that enter the square of the grid, and only Tubes could pass between the Squares outlines, it turned out to be the most compact ultimion maker i ever made
a 15 square Mechanism.
(it wasnt susposed to be compact which is ironic).
BOX wouldn't have been possible without the Ability to overlap the elements constituing the Accelerator. It make the building neater and looking safer.
A good idea to what to add may be to add somesort of mix between the curved pipes and straight in the sizes of the Curves, basically the Straight will only be input while the curve will only curve towards the exit of the straight
Sorta like a backward Loop exit diverger but with differents sizes. maybe along the way the other sides for the divergers as well aka mergers