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I like your aesthetics and art direction in this game. The map is quite big, I cannot find the key.

on Gameplay wise, I'm not sure how the Shovel work or where do I find a refill for lantern fuel. 

Monster doesn't seem to bother me, which is good : )

I noticed the locked gate, not sure if it's the right one that I need to go through because it's not obvious enough. 

here's my full playthrough in English, noted that I started in Thai but soon switch to English once I noticed that you're not Thai. 


Thank you so much for your reply and this mega helpful video! 

Yes, now I see there is some confusion about your next actions, we will work on that! and yeah monsters should be fixed!

To be brief: For gates you need to find a red key - which can be found in the tombs, and for digging a tomb you need to find a shovel first, which can be found around the tombs.