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(5 edits) (+1)

I will play it some more my guy, you always seem to have a lot of cool ideas with some wonky execution. I think perhaps making a much simpler project next time might produce something much more focused. 

Perhaps use the noir-feeling of the detective-game, combine it with a similar setting to Umbra Fields but with a much more straight and easily manageable game-world. 

I kind of feel that if you narrowed your scope and got some help with structuring the dialog and writing a bit you could produce something truly great. 

This goes for the combat too, it's almost always too sprawling from what I have gathered when trying out your games. Something extremely simple which expands with time I think would be more effective than everything at once. 

I think this is true with the classes in Umbra as well, you get so many choices but as a player I do not understand what I am choosing.  If you offer the player three things which are simple to understand and then allow them to change them at certain points later to more advanced classes I think that would be more digestible. 

 Style and music-wise Umbra Fields is on the right track.

I would also bet you have a bunch of great assets that could be re-used in something more digestible. The enemy sprites in Umbra are nice.  

One more note: you need to get some playtesters and other people in early on your projects, I think it would massively improve your games. 

Okay, one additional note: people talk about "soul" and everything you make is full of it, I kind of want to see what you would make if this potential could be managed a bit, tempered with some input and focused up in perhaps a project with a 1 hour runtime. 

Thank you for your feedback. I have thought about doing smaller projects like this. I do plan on switching engines for games like this in the future (Due to better features and not being held back by RPG maker MV's limitations), I think I'll do that to learn the new engine and to make something very small but focused on what is there.