I plan to redo this entire system and replace it with a progression system where instead of having a single style, you can just level all the styles and gain various abilities.
As it is currently implemented, the way it works is based on the actions you take. For example, you gain “submissive” points for doing service actions and prioritizing your partner orgasming, while you gain “selfish” points for focusing on the selfish options and prioritizing your own orgasms. You can become dominant by using a lot of teasing actions, and by giving partners ruined orgasms with teasing. Using teasing in combination with other actions to make partners orgasm efficiently with the fewest number of actions per orgasm makes you “slutty” though I may change this to “skilled” in the future. You can be “romantic” by making both parties orgasm in unison and balancing the number of orgasms, and using the normal/untyped moves.
The overall sexual style you get is just whichever one has the most points. It doesn’t do anything in this version of the game, and like I said, I’m going to redesign it. When I do, you’ll unlock passive and active abilities and be able to just freely level up all the styles. For example, I plan to make dominant players able to edge partners to boost the potion chances/quality. Romantic partners will gain special effects with any actions involving kissing. Slutty partners will be able to don special things with teasing stacks, and selfish partners will gain special effects when they cause themselves to orgasm. Stuff like that.