Hey Graugen!
I destroyed the idols and escaped! Definitely a cool little experience that I would love to see expanded upon. Reminded me a lot of the bigfoot games and that constant sense of danger you get being stalked by some creature :D
A couple notes after playing for a bit:
- On the main screen under controls says "Left Shit - Sprint". Was really funny and made me chuckle, but might want to fix that after the Jam is over
- Definitely a bit of a walking simulator. It would have been nice to have some little points of interest inbetween the towers, but I totally understand that there wasn't much time to dev the game so not marking it against you -- just something to think about in case you plan on continuing the game :D
- This is the one time I wish the gun would fire slower -- haha! I don't know if there was extra ammunition under the towers but the thought crossed my mind once I found the second idol. I only encountered the wolf once, but it took me all of 0.5 seconds to unload all 4 bullets in my gun because I genuinely did not realize he was that close.
- I think the position of the wolf could be telegraphed a bit better in terms of sound. The barking definitely helped a bit to locate where he was, but some sort of low snarling or growl that plays when he starts to get closer would really help locate him since the handicam look obscures pretty much everything in the dark.
- If you just hold sprint the running sound continues to play, but your character will move at normal speed until it reaches the minimum sprint amount again. Not a huge deal either, just thought I would let you know. Also, you can sprint backwards which is what I did most of the time haha
What I liked:
- The atmospheric sound of the game was great! The audio was very unsettling and definitely had me on edge. (I did notice the end of the audio loop one time, but I never heard it again after that one time) The spooky audio stabs in combination with the barking definitely had me turning my head wondering what was creeping up on me because I didn't realize it was a wolf chasing me until he finally attacked me toward the end.
- All of the assets (aside from the idols just because I wasn't sure why they were there in the first place story-wise) meshed together really well! The trees, rocks, towers and terrain looked great and the handicam filter helped a lot in sort of gluing it all together.
- Having a screen at the beginning explaining controls was really smart given the short amount of time to develop (why didn't I think of that?!)
- The game made me intrigued for sure. I want to know more about the world and why there are idols being placed under these towers -- are they trying to channel something and need the amplification of the towers to do so?