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I played MBIML first (Ep3 Part 1) and then Sicae. I don't know if Niichan reads this but I first want to say, I genuinely wished him to feel better! Health is what matters the most!

Next, here are my short thoughts for Sicae so far (Episode 5), MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS:


        For the first two episodes, the storytelling were bit mediocre. However, once Episode 3 kicked in, I started to fully appreciate the story, and the cliffhanger at the end of Episode 5 was gave me chills through my spin. Fantastic story writing! In addition, I enjoyed the fluid animations for the fightscenes between other characters and the MC, and the appropriate choice for the background music for each arc is the cherry on top.

        In terms of character development, I love Lisa's story and personality the most by far due to their "evenly-matched relationship" and her personality really echo with me, althought I feel like the MC was a bit irresponsible during the last part of Lisa's H-scene. In juxataposition, other characters, such as Nicole, Yuna, and so on, their personalities and stories were well portrayed! The only little issue I had was Zoey's story set-up. Her relationship with the MC was seemingly far-fetched (just in my humble opinion, that was a bit weird for me), compared to the rest of the girls. But overall, most of the characters are fanstastic! There are also some call-backs to MBIML (like the conversation between Jess and her sister)! I love them! 

        I also have a couple of questions raised by the cliffhanger as well as the main story:

        1) The person that intrigued the most is Claire/Owl. We learned that she befriended Moon/Fang and worked with her under Jess in MBIML, and I am curious to find out about what changed her from an "delirious" assassin to the Claire we know in MBIML. What made her "delirious"? It seems she has a much more terrible background story than Moon does in MBIML.

        2) What was the "big mess" the MC's father left? 

        3) Learning what happened to Yuna, what's the MC's next step? I'm looking forward to their confrontations

(1 edit)

I just rplayed this, then mbiml, and i get the feeling that the latter is a couple of years in the future of the former. I could be wrong, but they mention 2 years a few times with the sicae crew. So I think we still have a bit of time to find out what happens to Claire 


sicae is the prequel of mbiml, approximately 2 years before events described in mbiml