Oh, I like this game!
First off, it has the words "Space" and "Journey" in the title. Always wanted to be a cosmonaut or a colnist in some far-off galaxy.
Then there's all the upgrading. I have no idea why, but fixing sparky bits and upgrading stuff in the Engineering console really butters my scones.
Finally, T'Ris. I can't say that name without growling.
Funny thing, she vaguely reminds me of someone...never mind.
I like every aspect of this game, and all the minigame bits I keep finding (crates in the Engineering section, the space battles - which are surprisingly well-worked, given that it's Renpy rather than, ooh, say, Unreal 5- the daily orders)
Best advice, DON'T RUSH! There's a lot going on, so it pays to make sure you have things sorted in your head. There are a few nice puzzles, hard but not ridiculous, which are very pleasing to solve.
Anyway, I need to debrief my First Officer. Again.