What an awesome idea! I just love it! I am not sure if I am so terrible at games like that or the level of difficulty is that high - I have a problem to reach a score over 300 :D.
The graphics is so simple yet so well done. Really good job!
Thank you!
Yeah there've been a lot of people saying it's hard; I went a bit overboard with the spawnrates ^^; (and the big enemies spawn too much thanks to a small oversight)
Though in part, I wonder: are you trying to shoot everything? I'm not sure if people are feeling they have to hunt every single unit or not; there's no penalty in letting some by but that's not explicitely made clear either.
I did actually try 2 approaches:
1. To try to shoot everything.
2. To stay (more or less) in one position and just avoid bullets + shooting things on my way.
Second one seems to wokr slightly better but some ships shoot still under certain angles - and those were generally getting me :D.
+ I think it should start slightly easier but over time become harder and harder - that would make the gameplay slightly longer for a shit players like myself :D