Pretty strong start. I guess I'm too bad but I couldn't see the end of the game. Some doors would not open and I gotta admit I got bored of watching the cutscenes over and over ^^' However, I like the idea and I like how we don't understand the mask thing at the beginning only to get pieces of information during the walkthrough.
I think a lot of gameplay elements need balancing but the idea is good and the game is not so far to feel good to play to me. Here's a list of things that kinda bothered me:
- it's hard to see while out of battery
- enemies sometimes get stuck in doors, blocking the way
- drones are really fast, especially the first one, it's hard to recharge while dodging enemies
- enemies are hard to see under the drone
- enemies and environmental lights are easy to confuse
- no skip button for dialogues and cutscenes
Other than that, the game looks great! I would gladly give it another go if you manage to balance it a bit! Nice entry overall :)