My pleasure :)!
I finished the game, so I'll just shortly add my thoughts for the rest.
Each challenge in the Baths was very interesting and beating them was very satisfying... the first time. But by the time I figured out how the glyphs work, I had to play through each of them a lot, and it was starting to get tedious. However, discovering various tricks to speed it up kept it fresh. All in all I do love it. Incredible atmosphere. The change of pace to more puzzle solving and platforming was nice.
The final boss was a bit underwhelming though. The design of the witch-god and the location felt "flat" in comparison with the rest of the game, and beating it was quick, easy and obvious.
No impressions were soured though. It's always about the journey and not the destination.
I'll also add that I love the constrained inventory that forces you to think about what you bring with you.
In conclusion, a wonderful game that I enjoyed very much!