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It only happens on the knees?
Get stuck how, can't choose actions or can't do anything? 

(1 edit)

had the same thing happen, I just played the puzzles for a bit, gettin reds, and when i exit and click on the skirt the text will display and then everything kinda just freezes? like it doesnt stop the game but it gets stuck on itself? idk but i had the same problem so figured i'd let ya know. It might just be a problem with playing in browser? it sucks when it happens and ya have to restart. (thanks for the cheat mode, it was a little sad when I got 6 reds for that to happen.)

You have to start over? Is game hard lockes so you have to reset your save?

(2 edits)

pretty much yeah, though i forget if it was actually 6 reds, I wish I could remember just how many points I had, even though I dont know if the points have anything to do with it. again this was just in the browser version, I'm sure I would have saved progress if it were using the downloaded ver.