If you do revamp I'll gladly get it!
I just saw it seemed the expansions repeated the original doc, so it felt more like 2nd edition to me.
Wanted to know if I was missing anything. I do have stuff I'd change in spots, even arguably a couple of big bits, but, honestly I think I'd like to wait and see if anything more concrete comes about whethee or not you do in fact revamp before I publish any of it.
I'm under no delusion that any ideas I have would be beyond your ability to have, and I don't wanna risk people bein' mean to you if they find a thing I posted up after you do revamp and we just by coincidence thought similar on a few things.
As for hiding original, could maybe keep it as like a demodoc or somesuch, a "here's a purposely older/less refined version to help you decide if you want to buy" maybe, like a ttrpg "demo" in a sense.