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Thanks for the review! The final release of the game should adress most of these issues.

As for ELGM, unfortunately it is simply too ambitious for the little income I make at the moment, so I have to focus on projects than can be completed in shorter bursts. Here's hoping that these smaller products raise enough budget to accomodate ELGM's development.


I figured as much, and that's promising to hear. Looking forward to the final release when it comes out then.

As for ELGM, that's pretty understandable. I had been working on a Gatch project of my own similar to ELGM but had to put it on hold as well since the work that needed to be put into it is a lot for a single person to do. Not only that, but I'm not a skilled artist like yourself so my amateur art wasn't meeting my expectations at the time. Here's hoping that one day will see more of ELGM, but in the mean time, plenty of us will still enjoy your smaller projects!


Thank you so much for understanding! ♥
Rose Bullet development is progressing smoothly, the Full release should be sometime later this month.