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A member registered Dec 20, 2018

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This update was phenomenal. Wasn't expecting it so soon so pleasantlysurprised. Keep up the good work and glad to hear your recovering.

I will say that the insults were 100 percent unwarranted and unnecessary, but any criticism over the handling of time management and responsiveness to the those who pre-ordered the game is completely understandable. I can't say I was upset about how this project was being handled because I knew that given the time, the team would be able to produce a finish product. But I'm sure that most people, myself included, would have liked to have been given some sort of heads up as to what was truly going on behind the scenes. I think that if you had just release the game in a unfinished state and continued to release the story content and bug fixes as they were reported (sort of like Robin Morningwood), people wouldn't have reacted in such a harsh and aggressive manner. Another thing that might have hurt ya'll more then helped was having a set release date. If you had just stated that the game may be released later 2023, or early 2024, then it would have: a) given the team plenty of time to work on the project without having the overbearing worry of meeting a set release date, and b) would allowed for more leniency from the fans since there wasn't, again, a set in stone release date. I understand that for small independent group it is harder to make a name for yourself, especially when the market it over saturated, but holding yourselves to an incredibly high standard at the start is only going to hold you back.

My question is why send the game out through emails when you could just upload it here on Just seems counterintuitive for people who preordered through

Looks like another "delay".

Very fun and simple game. Is there any plans to expand on this project in the future?

Welp, can't say I'm surprised to see another delay. Sort of had a feeling this would happen a day before the 'supposed' release. Not upset, just disappointed. Question though, is the additional content for the early bird pre-orders gonna be delayed as well or is that planned to be release with the base game? I vaguely remember this happened with Dik's Journey were the early bird buyers didn't have access to additional content because it was still being worked on.

Fun little game and I love the art style. I don't know if the cum filled chalice was a nod to the chalice dungeon will the same name, but left me chuckling.

Just played the game again and have to say that I'm just looking forward to new content whenever you come around to doing so. Hopefully sooner then later, but I know the wait will be all worth it!

I figured as much, and that's promising to hear. Looking forward to the final release when it comes out then.

As for ELGM, that's pretty understandable. I had been working on a Gatch project of my own similar to ELGM but had to put it on hold as well since the work that needed to be put into it is a lot for a single person to do. Not only that, but I'm not a skilled artist like yourself so my amateur art wasn't meeting my expectations at the time. Here's hoping that one day will see more of ELGM, but in the mean time, plenty of us will still enjoy your smaller projects!

Not really upset and not surprised by this last minuet delay either seeing as how Dik Journey also had a last minuet delay. One more week isn't the worst.

Game seems like it has some really good promise, but obtuse mechanics that aren't properly explained make it hard to become invested in the game and its story. 

The first thing that confused me was the Churches purpose. I did all four of the options given to me and it seems like certain blessings are either suppose to protect your from some bad endings or maybe they give you a better chance of rolling a good fate card, but even with out without the Blessings, it all seems really random still and made me wonder if the Blessings are more for story based events, combat events, or just the general events. 

Secondly, I fought the Witch and the Zombie Golem and never seem to make progress in any of the fights. The thread was interesting to use as a way to escape the Witch fight and I'm assuming these things are still being worked on, but I kept dying to her no matter what. The Zombie Golem wasn't affected by the Holy Water which seemed strange since in the Library, the codex states that Holy Water is effective against the undead.

Also, weird little thing happened when entering the Manor. I went in and saw the cutscene with the Vampires mocking the Hunter, exited  out on accident through the front door, and when I tried to reenter, the front door was locked. So I went back around to the back door and got the same scene once again with the Vampires. Not sure if that was intended, but it just seemed like that might have been an eventing issue.

Like I said early, this game seems like it has a lot of promise and I'm sure when it fully completed it'll be more the worth the time to get invested in. A little disappointed that this game took precedence over the development of ELGM cause I think that game was a lot of fun and some of your best work. Hope to see more of that once this project is complete.

Tried again it again today and almost lost, and just when I was thinking that it needed a shake for the container, I spotted it. Nice add.

The changes are very welcome. Took me a few tries but I managed to finish it and it was far more enjoyable this time around. Really appreciate the added work and keep up the good work.

The main issue for me was how candy move around one another, more specifically the candy corn. Everything else is round so it make it easy to predict how it will impact the rest of the candies movement, but the candy corn has corners and it doesn't act the way you think it should. And because it has corners, it tends to create spaces that make it difficult for the player to get access to again and if it gets put in a weird position, then it becomes hard to merge the candies between it.

After playing it for about 45 minuets, I think I'm gonna skip this one.

I get the idea behind the game and I've played plenty of games like it(mobile games), but the physics are kind of iffy and it makes it really difficult to enjoy. Besides that, seeing a werewolf in various states of undress should make it more worth the time, but I'm just getting so irritated by the game that I don't even bother paying attention to him.

Let me reiterate that this isn't a bad game, but mechanically, it needs a little more work.

Personally, I would just be happy as long as the project doesn't have any game breaking bugs. Everything is pretty secondary to me.

IT just hit me the moment you mentioned their positionals. So i really am just stupid haha. Thank you so much for the help and sorry for bothering you with my simple mindedness lol

Maybe I'm stupid, but the grid puzzle in M2 isn't clear enough. I've looked over the hint and tried every combination I could think of but nothing is working. If someone knows it or if I could get some assistance, I'd really appreciate it because I cannot figure it out for the life of me.

So I have a question. If I donate $16, does that mean that I get everything that is at the $16 Tier and below or just the $16 Tier? By that I mean, if I want to have early access to both games, do I need to donate $8 for Demon's Dream: Collector Edition, and then donate $16 for Muscle Management Remake: Collectors Edition, or will the $16 donation gift me both when they become available?

Alright, so having finally played the game and completed it, I have a few thoughts.

First thing I wanna say is congrats for developing and programming the project o your own. To put all that time, effort and energy into this is an accomplishment all on it's own and I really commend you for doing so. 

Secondly, the art in this game, actual in-game assets and the separate art itself is beautiful. On a separate note, I've been following you since the old days on Y!Gallery and have been a huge fan so your quality would never be brought to question.

Third, the puzzles were a nice inclusion and made the game just a little more challenging then just gathering letters. There was one puzzle (The Model) that gave me a bit of trouble at first but I figured it out after a few minuets. But everything else, even the bottle puzzle, kind of clicked after a few seconds for me.

My last thing of note would have to be the platforming and movement in the game, and this is really the only critique I have. The character is pretty heavy to control at time, and the jumping it a little finicky. I think I spent more time getting frustrated trying to jump from platform to platform then with any of the puzzles. It's not terrible, but I'm glad that this game has gamepad support, because I don't know how much longer I would have gone using keyboard controls.

All in all, this was a super fun game with astounding art and well thought out puzzles. You said you plan to add more content in the future so I'm definitely looking forward to what else will be implemented later on.

Game won't load up for me. Just stays stuck at the loading screen.

It's all good. I's kind of funny because I've resorted to copy and pasting all the sex scenes into a google doc for later enjoyment lol

Love the story telling and all the sex, but the save files keep getting corrupted so that's a little frustrating.

Awesome, all the grinding for resources then wasn't a waste lol

When you mean compatible, does that mean save date will transfer over to that version of the game?

Let our dude Touha know that we wish a speedy recovery him and that we'll wait patiently for his return.

The code for Chp.10 Mini Games isn't working. The game won't allow me to input the complete code.

(1 edit)

I'm curious as too why you would distribute it through Patreon rather then here on Is that just a preference?