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Hey, glad to hear you made some updates. As for seeing how people play I hope this helps. The other day I ended up recording gameplay of a handful of games I played and rated and yours just happened to be one of them. Here's a link, yours is the first on this video so no timestamp needed:

(1 edit)

HUGE thanks for sharing that. It's nice to see someone playing in real time without me saying anything and glad that a lot of what I was getting across with the tutorial level played out how I expected. I didn't expect that much battery use of the flashlight during exploration, so that's poor planning on my part but I hope the doubling of batteries would help some.

Sorry you didn't get a chance to get to the cool stuff later on with the "Dark One" speaking to you ;).

I do see where I could remove some enemies in the earlier groupings to help the player ease in a bit more as well. I hope you had fun though!

Also I didn't think using "P" in the name would toggle the pause screen, so that's good to know as

Rewatching your clip with the bug, I'm surprised the bugged "Starro (aka doomfish)" was there to begin with since you did kill it earlier and it did it's death animation and everything. Interesting...I don't have any respawning of enemies on player death (aside from your indoctrinated self). Hmm...