It's possible that some recent changes you made put it back in the review queue. I'll speed things up for you.
Replying, bc I have similiar problem and I don't want to create another post like this.
My project -> (name, only for now: gtyujmnbvf ) I checked the FAQ site, settings on profile and project site and still nothing. My project looks kinda poor (bc I'm trying out things, for I'm still learning using itch), is this can be a source of problem?
In addition to what No Time To Play said, keep in mind that we have quality guidelines for indexing. Your page looks like it’s a mostly blank page with nonsense/test devlog titled “111111…”, etc.
If you’re not willing to put any effort into your project, or you’re not ready to publish it yet, then it’s not a good candidate for being indexed on our discovery system.
Hope that helps