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Hey man great job! Amazing execution, really drew me in. I love it. 

That being said I need to agree with the rest of the players here, the controls are too slow and the AI is too spammy.

I've tried both in browser and pc. It's not because people click outside the window, not because their machine is slow. Something in the controls is off. 

There's a difference between difficult and punishing. The critique is very common among the other comments as I see, this game does not feel fair. I dodge a few, block, counter..etc but there is no point in mastering this game. If it was faired, or at least 'felt' fair, then more people would take the time to master the mechanics. At this stage however, it's spamming block and jab till you get tired. That is if you don't get stun locked ofc. 

I can see this becoming a very addictive game if these issues are adressed. Good luck!


Hi dovau! Thanks for the comments! It's a work in progress, I'm trying to make it better, taking in people's comments. I hope I can improve it further to make it more enjoyable for you and the others!