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the 2 "slide" segments in the playground and in the temple are seriously fun.

One of my concerns is the difficulty of the sewer section compared to what comes after it. The sewer level seriously feels like final challenge levels of difficulty, and its quite long too. It's like this game's Grunty Industries. 

The death sound in the internet is too loud and piercing. 

Ok wow there's quite a bit of content here lol. Yea I just might be worried that players may break at the sewer section when there's so much more

what sections did you spend the most time on in the sewer?

I'll be honest I skipped through most of the sewer (As I did for a large amount of jumps that weren't the fun slide parts). I would say the most difficult segments were any segment that involved jumping from more than 1 isolated cylinder pipe in a row. I wouldn't mind if those pipes were +%50 wider. 

Maybe I'm too impatient and just wanted to get served content without working. 

But the sewer section would be my vote for shit city