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A member registered Oct 15, 2022

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The slums look really ugly and gray, the other area is at least colorful

I didn't get any of the cool blood gibs when I shot enemies, not sure why.

It's all of the bad parts of Cruelty Squad, and %10 of the good parts.

Did we really need the "Words Words Words" UI element before there was anything to put there? And you're specifically asking for feedback on it? Isn't it supposed to be annoying? 

I feel like you should take some responsibility over what you're making. I think this could be a cool, unique, and uncomfortable experience. 

Ground controls feel great, air controls feel terrible.

I would like to retain movement control while I'm in the air. Why not?

Feels like every time I go into the air a pre-rendered cutscene plays. I want to feel like it's one seamless physics experience.

Rail grinding look really good, I think I would like some form of interaction, maybe the ability to jump off?

I tried swerving into the green rail at the beginning, after the start but before it really left the ground, and I wasn't sure if the game would accept me onto the rail or not.

If rails are always going to be: "Collide exactly at the entrance hitbox" to start grinding, then that hitbox should have some visual indication. But maybe there might be a jump button, and you could freely jump onto a rail at any point.

I do not like all the invisible walls. Personally I prefer the freedom to fall off and die, or maybe do some insane speedrun skip.

Maybe for the tutorial you need the walls, but they should not be invisible, maybe just some semitransparent cyber barriers.

The camera is great in this.

This game has some charm. The almost boardgame layout to a series of minigames, attached to a story is a fun idea. It could almost be a Warioware-like but the minigames are longer / more involved.

Most of the games are not very fun, and ugly. About what I'd expect trying to shovel in 10 unique games into one. Hitboxes are too big / small, there's very little feedback when i'm in the good hitbox vs the bad hitbox. For example during the rhythm game I didn't ever know when I hit the note on beat or not.

I did like the stories. This game could be very charming, I'm sure it's intended to become less ugly. 

When I did the fishing mission I wish I could use space bar like with everything else, my laptop's mousepad doesn't register clicking rapidly well.

When I try to alt tab in windows 10 the game refuses to tab out visually but also no longer accepts any input.

Why are all the characters so shiny? Everything looks like polished glass. In unity it's just turning down the "smoothness" slider to fix this. Maybe this is supposed to be in a Toy Story-esque world, if so that should be made apparent.

Really enjoyed the visual atmosphere of the environments. Combat felt fair and fun.

I didn't get to the green forest area that's shown in your screenshots, but in that screenshot the shadows look too dark, i would turn up the ambient light in that environment so it's less contrasty.

Absolutely full of soul.

The problem is you're trying to make a real videogame with RPG Maker. 

My very first experience is going through literally 30 fucking menu screens trying to create a team with RPG Maker controls. No I don't care about your randomly generated slop backstories, you don't have to ask every time! Yes I'm SURE! I don't want to *tick-tick-tick* through every single menu option to see what the classes are. I want to mouse over in a millisecond then mouse over something else in a millisecond.

I was hoping it was going to be like one of those roguelike games where you start a run, die horribly, then on to the next run in like 5 minutes.

I'm being especially impatient because to me it's just some .exe I downloaded for free. 

I'm skeptical if "hold s to recharge mana" actually adds anything to the experience. Why not just regenerate passively over time, or while standing still?

I don't like learning new buttons, every time i have to learn a new button it's like setting a bone or giving birth.

My favorite part was the cute messages i got from townsfolks. The movement feels very nice and clean. The visual style is very charming.

Nice game, very soulful and compact design.

My only complaint is that the overworld nodes (random enemy, +3 hp/mp, etc) felt uninteresting / repetitive. Very large chunks of just: "randomy enemy". Seems like something that might be solved if there's more time to develop more encounters. Maybe a shop. Maybe even just less abstract encounters: "Ghoul encounter, Slime Encounter, etc"

I like the world and the environment.

Not sure what the gameplay's going to really look like. Potentially more stealth focused? I hope it's not just another hack-and-slash, or a hack-and-slash disguised as a stealth game

Cute game

Please consider turning down the shinyness on objects that are not supposed to be shiny (grass, rocks, trees, the player). I think turning down the "smoothness" on the default unity mat to 0 will do the trick.

I also wish models were all smooth shaded like the player, I'm not a big fan of the pointy low poly look. Not a dealbreaker though.

If this were a bigger game I would save the floating platform sections for later, not the first level. Cycle-based platforms are kind of lame because you spend a lot of time waiting for them to align.

just some qualifications to my feedback:

It's a free demo, I'm not invested like someone who would be willing to pay for this.

did like final fantasy tactics. Something to note was that game had very small maps, meaning I could see the entire battlefield and click on the relatively large tiles much easier.

(1 edit)

Really not a fan of these tactics style games where I have to micromanage my entire team.

I just find it incredibly tedious clicking over and over for every single thing. Especially when the map is very large and there is a specific tiny tile that I need to click on.

I would much prefer a different combat system, but that's probably a big ask.

From what I saw I really liked the story and presentation. I was really intrigued when the whole town is trapped in never ending snow. It was kind of jarring switching from the detective to the orphan to the army gang, all that jumping around makes me dizzy.

Let me say: I really want to enjoy this story, but it's very hard for me to go through some very mentally demanding gameplay sections just to get it.  

On my windows machine it just works

Would like the ability to create big holes as well as pyramids. 

Played with controller this time. Feels good.

Would be nice to have some trees around, or maybe some new levels?

The prologue felt nicer as a first level.

I used a cheap third party xbox controller and i had to use the dpad to move instead of left stick. Tutorial button label’s weren’t showing up, just “_”.

^This is probably just from early development and also maybe from me using a cheap old controller.

I liked the boss, I am a little disappointed my machine gun wasn’t effective for dealing damage.  Ended up just spamming counter on his face like a psycho.

I do like the bullet mode movement. It’s hard to get used to at first. 

After getting used to it I think it’s a good system, It’s fun building up momentum, and it feels really good timing your bounces to keep that momentum going. 

My gut feeling is that simpler is better, I do think there’s a lot going on in this game's movement mechanics: I have to constantly think about aiming my gun behind me while still moving forward. So I have to constantly be controlling 2 axis at once while im in bullet mode. Perhaps simplifying this: maybe when in bullet mode my momentum is determined solely from my gun, rather than a mixture of both.

Overall I enjoyed the other levels that I tried this time more than the first vertical one. I did have fun.

(1 edit)

Somehow ended up stuck clipped inside this little corner of geometry.

Overall both portions of the game felt pretty good. Personally I don't totally get the whole price management thing of these shop simulators. In my store, It's just %120 to buy, %80 to sell. I don't play games, and I'm not here to make special exceptions for certain customers.

I have a theory that games should only focus on a primary gameplay experience. Rather than doubling your dev time trying to make a good shop simulator and a good twin stick shooter, just make a great shop sim or shooter. And let someone else make the really good other game. Then players can just play the very best versions of the genre they like.

On the other hand, as a player, I don't  really feel this way. I just want to play fun games, and if I'm having fun in one game before switching to the next I don't really care. And Cult of the Lamb did exactly this and was wildly successful.

Just something I think about, don't have an answer.

This is an interesting one.

This game disguises itself as a sidescrolling shoot-em-up but in reality it plays more like a top-down twinstick shooter, the only difference being the pretty collectibles, the sole evidence of gravity in this game, who's main purpose is to lure me into taking damage from colliding into the floor. 

Originally I was going to say that I really didn't like this game, that you have all this nice art and polish but the core gameplay wasn't fun. That was my impression from the tutorial level. And you seemed to be falling into the trap of adding-more-mechanics-to-make-it-fun. I really don't want to learn and have to manage 8 different mechanics to play a 2d indie shooter.

I had a problem with the Robo-Templar game for very similar reasons.

Then I tried out the second level (The prefab test level?) 

I sincerely hope you make the entire game like that level. I don't ever want to manage a gun, manage my shield, any of that. I just want to fly around, dodge bullets, and watch the explosions.

I guess it's something like a vampire-survivors-like, with maybe a bit of autobattler? Maybe this was your intention all along, but I went into this thinking I was just going to be playing a regular shmup. In this vein I think it might be worth considering leaning into this more, with larger, more open areas? I see you've been working on this a bit, maybe that's something for a sequel.

I know it's kind of a lame excuse but I'm stuck using my laptop right now and it doesn't have a numpad right now, and it would be nice to be able to use VI keys for my admittedly specific case. 

Visually the game is very nice, and there's a lot of soul in general. 

I didn't go too far, there's a lot of systems to learn in here and along with my keyboard trouble I'd like to wait until there's more content before I prepare for a full-run attempt

i had a frustrating experience where my skull didn't always jump despite seeming to be on the ground

(2 edits)

Very nice game. Shame I could only play it solo.

Some of the timers felt too long, I think these types of game want to be as streamlined as possible. 

"Highest score wins"(I think that's how it works?) is a lame victory condition.

Item management is a mess. Not sure how to fix. 

Definitely could see myself actually playing this 

(1 edit)

I hated the visual novel. From what I read it was just too cringe. I can handle a little bit of cringe, but this was too much. It's quirky and I like the visuals, but then I realized it wasn't stopping. I was skipping ahead as fast as I could and it just wouldn't end. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and I restarted the game.

I would say that it was one of the worst visual novels I'd ever experienced, but I've seen so many awful but also boring VNs that this was sadly better than average.

I learned my lesson and somehow I found myself in a first person segment next time. I like this part. The movement is fun, you can sort of bunnyhop and pick up a lot of speed. I don't know what I did or what was going on but by just wandering forward I got to level 2. 

I tried wandering around like I did in the last level and my screen slowly transitioned through a variety of colors until I found myself in complete darkness being chased by what I can barely make out as the silhouette of a giant nightmare spider creature. This was genuinely a confusing and frightening experience and I enjoyed it.

I died once and then retried. Then I got the third mission which was more of the same.  Same with the 4th.

Overall I enjoyed this experience although I can't see the pattern of "survive x minutes in a wasteland with 1 new enemy every level" holding throughout an entire game

When I played this at first I thought there was a bug when my screen turned black and restarted the game.

I realized after that this game is just highly immersive and realistic. 

I do think maybe there should be something, like a little bit of text saying: "you're blind! Find some eyes", just to make it clear it's not a bug.

I'm watching the streamer and they made the point that there's something off about the color scheme in some areas.  I think it's the areas with the bright blueish white background. 

The areas with the reddish tan background look a lot nicer to me. 

Gameplay feels good, The punch attack feels really good even though its weak, it's fun to try and slide into an enemy while you're winding up.

I got a hat and I threw it away and my hat's gone?

(1 edit)

I really like these types of games

I cant figure out how to progress at this jump. Also I think it would feel more rewarding if candies didn't respawn, would incentivize exploring the entire map to collect all the candies.

I'll be honest I skipped through most of the sewer (As I did for a large amount of jumps that weren't the fun slide parts). I would say the most difficult segments were any segment that involved jumping from more than 1 isolated cylinder pipe in a row. I wouldn't mind if those pipes were +%50 wider. 

Maybe I'm too impatient and just wanted to get served content without working. 

But the sewer section would be my vote for shit city

I feel like there's a fundamental clash of ideas. 

I want this game to be hold down mouse and mow down hordes of bugs and watch them melt.

Then there's this other idea that this should be a precision platformer with parrying, and wall jumps?

I think, (and I believe this is on purpose) this is the slowest, most sluggish movement of any 2d platformer ever. The robot is worse than Ganondorf from SSB.

And so I don't think vertical precision platforming makes sense for this game. It just feels like a chore, especially as the very first thing you experience.

 I think the game should at least start with horizontal side scrolling. Vertical climbing doesn't utilize the monitor's dimensions as well, you have less time to react to content as opposed to horizontal scrolling like in mario. 

But it's hard to imagine any form of platforming that's fun with this movement. Maybe falling downwards instead of climbing up? Maybe on-rails segments? 

I honestly had more fun playing robo-templar than this. That game just feels fun right away, at least before it starts getting cringe with bullet hell.

Obviously the game looks incredible as others have said, and I think many aspects such as the shooting are solid. 

start menu is off center, I start gameplay in "game over" state. Pressing restart still leaves me in game over state. 

Mono path[0] = 'C:/Users/User/Downloads/Dungeon Watchers 0.0.2/Dungeon Watchers 0.0.2/Dungeon Watchers_Data/Managed'

Mono config path = 'C:/Users/User/Downloads/Dungeon Watchers 0.0.2/Dungeon Watchers 0.0.2/MonoBleedingEdge/etc'

Initialize engine version: 2021.3.15f1 (e8e88683f834)

[Subsystems] Discovering subsystems at path C:/Users/User/Downloads/Dungeon Watchers 0.0.2/Dungeon Watchers 0.0.2/Dungeon Watchers_Data/UnitySubsystems

GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1; jobified=0


    Version:  Direct3D 11.0 [level 11.1]

    Renderer: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 (ID=0x5916)

    Vendor:   Intel

    VRAM:     8132 MB


Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly

- Completed reload, in  0.121 seconds

<RI> Initializing input.

New input system (experimental) initialized

Using XInput

<RI> Initialized touch support.

UnloadTime: 1.453000 ms

Unloading 7 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)

UnloadTime: 18.301900 ms

Default, el numero de personaje es ninguno

Unloading 7 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3251.

Total: 1.920700 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.223300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.184700 ms MarkObjects: 1.475000 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.037300 ms)

Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)

UnloadTime: 2.243600 ms

Unloading 45 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 4128.

Total: 1.916900 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.260800 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.178300 ms MarkObjects: 1.392700 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.084600 ms)

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

  at TargetSamePosCon.Update () [0x00006] in <b485b2fc05994dccb3b6e832522ce456>:0 

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

  at TargetSamePosCon.Update () [0x00006] in <b485b2fc05994dccb3b6e832522ce456>:0 

*That same Null reference continues for 1000 more lines*

Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)

UnloadTime: 18.451900 ms

Unloading 282 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 3054.

Total: 1.889500 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.152000 ms CreateObjectMapping: 0.120600 ms MarkObjects: 1.362700 ms  DeleteObjects: 0.254000 ms)

Setting up 2 worker threads for Enlighten.

Memory Statistics:


  StackAllocators : 


      Peak usage frame count: [2.0 KB-4.0 KB]: 428 frames, [4.0 KB-8.0 KB]: 7 frames, [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 606 frames, [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 13 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 2 frames, [256.0 KB-0.5 MB]: 4 frames, [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 1 frames

      Initial Block Size 4.0 MB

      Current Block Size 4.0 MB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 2.1 MB

      Overflow Count 0


      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB

      Current Block Size 64.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 369 B

      Overflow Count 0


      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB

      Current Block Size 312.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 286.9 KB

      Overflow Count 20

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 8]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 9]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 0]

      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB

      Current Block Size 256.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 22.6 KB

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 10]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 14]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 6]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 12]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_EnlightenWorker] x 2

      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB

      Current Block Size 64.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 15]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 1]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 2]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 7]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0


      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB

      Current Block Size 256.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 12.3 KB

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_AssetGarbageCollectorHelper] x 3

      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB

      Current Block Size 64.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 0 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 5]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 13]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 1]

      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB

      Current Block Size 256.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 22.6 KB

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Job.Worker 2]

      Initial Block Size 256.0 KB

      Current Block Size 256.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 22.6 KB

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 3]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 11]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 0]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0


      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB

      Current Block Size 64.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 10.8 KB

      Overflow Count 0

    [ALLOC_TEMP_Background Job.Worker 4]

      Initial Block Size 32.0 KB

      Current Block Size 32.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0


      Initial Block Size 64.0 KB

      Current Block Size 64.0 KB

      Peak Allocated Bytes 54 B

      Overflow Count 0

[ALLOC_DEFAULT] Dual Thread Allocator

  Peak main deferred allocation count 20161


      Large Block size 4.0 MB

      Used Block count 1

      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB

      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:

        16B: 21 Subsections = 21504 buckets. Failed count: 112220

        32B: 36 Subsections = 18432 buckets. Failed count: 43894

        48B: 31 Subsections = 10581 buckets. Failed count: 37705

        64B: 44 Subsections = 11264 buckets. Failed count: 20582

        80B: 19 Subsections = 3891 buckets. Failed count: 267

        96B: 19 Subsections = 3242 buckets. Failed count: 0

        112B: 49 Subsections = 7168 buckets. Failed count: 12533

        128B: 37 Subsections = 4736 buckets. Failed count: 15060


      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 320 frames, [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 124 frames, [32.0 MB-64.0 MB]: 617 frames

      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB

      Peak Block count 4

      Peak Allocated memory 42.3 MB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B


      Peak usage frame count: [16.0 MB-32.0 MB]: 1061 frames

      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB

      Peak Block count 1

      Peak Allocated memory 19.4 MB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 16.0 MB


  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB

  Used Block Count 1

  Overflow Count (too large) 0

  Overflow Count (full) 0


  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB

  Used Block Count 1

  Overflow Count (too large) 0

  Overflow Count (full) 0


  Initial Block Size 2.0 MB

  Used Block Count 2

  Overflow Count (too large) 0

  Overflow Count (full) 0


  Initial Block Size 1.0 MB

  Used Block Count 3

  Overflow Count (too large) 0

  Overflow Count (full) 0

[ALLOC_GFX] Dual Thread Allocator

  Peak main deferred allocation count 6


      Large Block size 4.0 MB

      Used Block count 1

      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB

      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:

        16B: 21 Subsections = 21504 buckets. Failed count: 112220

        32B: 36 Subsections = 18432 buckets. Failed count: 43894

        48B: 31 Subsections = 10581 buckets. Failed count: 37705

        64B: 44 Subsections = 11264 buckets. Failed count: 20582

        80B: 19 Subsections = 3891 buckets. Failed count: 267

        96B: 19 Subsections = 3242 buckets. Failed count: 0

        112B: 49 Subsections = 7168 buckets. Failed count: 12533

        128B: 37 Subsections = 4736 buckets. Failed count: 15060


      Peak usage frame count: [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 1060 frames, [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 1 frames

      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB

      Peak Block count 1

      Peak Allocated memory 2.7 MB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B


      Peak usage frame count: [2.0 KB-4.0 KB]: 119 frames, [4.0 KB-8.0 KB]: 202 frames, [32.0 KB-64.0 KB]: 123 frames, [64.0 KB-128.0 KB]: 617 frames

      Requested Block Size 16.0 MB

      Peak Block count 1

      Peak Allocated memory 93.0 KB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B

[ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS] Dual Thread Allocator

  Peak main deferred allocation count 31


      Large Block size 4.0 MB

      Used Block count 1

      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB

      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:

        16B: 21 Subsections = 21504 buckets. Failed count: 112220

        32B: 36 Subsections = 18432 buckets. Failed count: 43894

        48B: 31 Subsections = 10581 buckets. Failed count: 37705

        64B: 44 Subsections = 11264 buckets. Failed count: 20582

        80B: 19 Subsections = 3891 buckets. Failed count: 267

        96B: 19 Subsections = 3242 buckets. Failed count: 0

        112B: 49 Subsections = 7168 buckets. Failed count: 12533

        128B: 37 Subsections = 4736 buckets. Failed count: 15060


      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 MB-16.0 MB]: 1061 frames

      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB

      Peak Block count 3

      Peak Allocated memory 15.8 MB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 6.1 MB


      Peak usage frame count: [256.0 KB-0.5 MB]: 117 frames, [0.5 MB-1.0 MB]: 203 frames, [1.0 MB-2.0 MB]: 739 frames, [2.0 MB-4.0 MB]: 2 frames

      Requested Block Size 4.0 MB

      Peak Block count 1

      Peak Allocated memory 2.6 MB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B

[ALLOC_TYPETREE] Dual Thread Allocator

  Peak main deferred allocation count 0


      Large Block size 4.0 MB

      Used Block count 1

      Peak Allocated bytes 4.0 MB

      Failed Allocations. Bucket layout:

        16B: 21 Subsections = 21504 buckets. Failed count: 112220

        32B: 36 Subsections = 18432 buckets. Failed count: 43894

        48B: 31 Subsections = 10581 buckets. Failed count: 37705

        64B: 44 Subsections = 11264 buckets. Failed count: 20582

        80B: 19 Subsections = 3891 buckets. Failed count: 267

        96B: 19 Subsections = 3242 buckets. Failed count: 0

        112B: 49 Subsections = 7168 buckets. Failed count: 12533

        128B: 37 Subsections = 4736 buckets. Failed count: 15060


      Peak usage frame count: [8.0 KB-16.0 KB]: 321 frames, [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 740 frames

      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB

      Peak Block count 1

      Peak Allocated memory 26.4 KB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B


      Peak usage frame count: [16.0 KB-32.0 KB]: 1061 frames

      Requested Block Size 2.0 MB

      Peak Block count 1

      Peak Allocated memory 17.8 KB

      Peak Large allocation bytes 0 B


the 2 "slide" segments in the playground and in the temple are seriously fun.

One of my concerns is the difficulty of the sewer section compared to what comes after it. The sewer level seriously feels like final challenge levels of difficulty, and its quite long too. It's like this game's Grunty Industries. 

The death sound in the internet is too loud and piercing. 

Ok wow there's quite a bit of content here lol. Yea I just might be worried that players may break at the sewer section when there's so much more

I spent about 10 minutes searching but I could not find any hidden door? I'm just wandering around a rainy street surrounded by fog walls. It definitely doesn't run great on my low end PC, but that's what I expect with graphical 3d games

dialogue should be skippable / escapeable.

Gameplay of walking around and inspecting stuff is solid. Maybe I would like to inspect by left clicking?

The Notebook UI is a bit too much.

The more menus, submenus, and clicking you have to do navigate, the harder and more annoying it is.

I should press tab and I should have the input option right there, and maybe I can scroll or click a button to cycle through the other mystery input options. 

The less clicking I have to do the better. I don't want to click as much as I do (Scenes > Early Bird > What happened here > Input 1....)

The base controls are really good and fun, but it's overloaded with shit.

I don't care about strafing, all it does is slow you down and reveal information that shouldnt have been hidden in the first place.

I don't want to memorize any directional + keypad command, like its street fighter. 

Just give me 1 special ability that I can use with space. Anything more than that and you lose me

Everything is very smooth, playable and fast. I believe there's a lot of depth and I could spend a lot of time learning and building cool stuff.

At the moment I just feel like there isn't much purpose in doing so, as there's no conflict, no waves of enemies coming to attack me at night like in Factorio or Terraria. So what's the point of building all this cool stuff?

I see there's monsters in the steam trailer, and monster farming is mentioned in the description so obviously there's going to be something with that in the full game. I also see there's room for a puzzle game from doing the sequential challenges in the tutorial.

A sandbox alone isn't enough for me (though I'm sure many people want that. Maybe I'm greedy wanting the game to be made exactly how I want it.), I want a real game I can win and lose.

I really like this demo. Really interesting world. Combat was almost always challenging. Usually I just walk past as much encounters as humanly possible in rpgmaker games, but I actually found myself getting bodied 20 mins in and had to go back to level up more. Nice to actually be challenged.

^Actually realized I just wasn't equipping my insane jack card. Still all the combat encounters feel fresh and not grindy so I enjoy them.

Music is also really good, I like the music in the fish folk area.

I do think you should consider getting an artist to redo the character art, or redoing some yourself. The current mspaint stuff isn't completely terrible, but it's not good. And since this art is getting reused constantly throughout the entire game I think there would be a lot of value in upgrading it. But there is a certain style to it currently.

I got to the bottom of the well, probably going to finish it later

I don't really care for the main funtography point and click adventure.

"Wake up in your bed. Go to the city. Talk to people"

It's pretty boring. It reminds me of a porn game, but without the porn. Visuals were cool, but still just a bunch of buildings it seems.

Yea I just don't care about plain boring city point and click. Maybe it gets more interesting later on.

I like the OS though. 

I prefer using keyboard to move, gives me more precise directional control I feel, so I would like to press forward through dialogue with enter or spacebar or something

Retrying the same level shouldn't have a loading screen

Pretty weird how I exit a planet's bounds and I am suddenly completely unable to turn to get back. even though I have fuel.

^ I think that there's a lot of unique fun to be had trying to do cool skips. I don't think the game benefits from having kill zones surrounding most of the playable areas (but not all?). 

I think a better system would be if you can freely go outside the playable areas but you don't regenerate thrust (or lose thrust over time). Afterall, I saw that some areas you could freely go outside to do skips.

Overall cute game, very playable. Robot beeper guy was cool, hope to see more of them.