Thanks for playing. This was your first time playing it right? What day did you play until? Did you manage to unlock anything?
The dungeons started feeling a bit labyrinthic at babysteps++
It's the usual feedback I get. It seems to be the first big filter for many people. It's good it feels like a rougelite.
A map is a no go, but I provide many other ways to find your way ranging from colour coded door symbols and hologram map at the start, to radars, compasses and x-ray abilities later on.
the magic mirror's target shouldn't ask you for confirmation beyond babystep dungeons.
You are right. I gotta change that.
Of course it's missing the non-placeholder art that would make the dungeons worth grinding, but I guess that comes later
Yep, it makes sense. Unless you just want to explore the game and unlock new abilities, the future drive for playing the game is going to come from non-placeholder content and story.