This was really well executed for a maze game in terms of design!
Things I liked:
- Using audio to help the player navigate the maze and find the keys is a great idea!
- Overall audio/sfx were great. It's so nice to hear footsteps! This may be one of the first games I've heard them in.
- Great balance between flashlight use and finding batteries.
- I'm pretty sure this had procedural generation in it, which worked well.
- Having the keys teleport instead of walking them all the way back helps make the gameplay fun instead of tedious.
Some Notes:
- The rat creatures didn't always die when the light was flash on them. They also seemed to just push me through walls instead of killing me.
- Some deaths felt random, which I imagine was due to a spider I didn't notice.
- The flashlight would have worked better if it used an attach point that oriented itself in a forward direction.
You've done a great job on this one. A great maze entry with clever design to help players through the maze!
Thanks for a great submission!