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(2 edits) (+1)(-13)

i don't purchase incomplete paperback novels, i dont purchase incomplete movies, i dont buy half-built cars. so i'm not gonna purchase an incomplete AVN.
you should re-think your business model, or have a demo version or something.


Then why are you on here? You must be lost


thanks for asking. i'm hunting the pedos that play these "all characters are over 18" games. 


Just so you know, your comment is actually against the rules of this site and a moderator will be informed.

(3 edits) (-14)

no fucks given.. i'm guessing i found one. i hit the nail on the head eh?
but sure, keep telling me how you're a fascist running off to the powers that be to repress the right of superior ppl such as myself, scum.. try fighting your own battles for once.


run along now crybaby, go tell mommy and daddy that i hurt your feels

(1 edit)

While I fundamentally agree with you, your post is in quite poor taste.


i'll take one for the team, ppl dont pay attention to the mundane.