I haven't reached this explanation because the game was so excruciatingly dull, but, isn't it kind of the entire job of the police? To sacrifice their own safety for the sake of civilians? If yes then the government will absolutely want them to use them in order to improve their effectiveness at it, and if they don't want that — they won't be hired to begin with. And on that note
> You can't tell if the orb will be useful in battle before bonding with it
First of all, they don't necessarily have to be useful in the battle to help the police with their job, as it involves much more other things besides gunfights. But more importantly, you mean to tell me this world hasn't got a clue how its own rules work? For the entire time of its existence, no one bothered to conduct research to test those orbs and figure out how they function? I find that to be unbelievable.